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[runaway- kanye]

Ray stood outside of Ashtray's new place. It had been a week since she last saw him. Her hands shook slightly with anticipation. After to hard knocks the door creaked open.

"Who are you." A blond girl stood at the door. Her big lips curled into a confused frown. "Do I know you? You look so familiar?" Ray shook her head, composing herself. "Um, Weren't you the girl at Laurie's house?" She nodded suspiciously. The girl suddenly smiled in realization. "Ohh! You're the girl in the car. Wait wasn't there two of them, though." "Who's at the door?" Fez yelled out from the living room. "It's me!" Ray pushed past the girl, making her way into the house.

"Where's Ashtray?" Fez sat on the couch, the smoke from his blunt filling the air. "He went somewhere. Said he had something important to do and wouldn't be back until later." Ray furrowed her eyebrows. He usually tells fez exactly where he was going.

Why was he being so weird lately? 

"You can wait here until he gets back, though. We can smoke this blunt and watch a movie or something.." Ray nodded. "Yeah, thank you."

Two hours passed and Ashtray still wasn't back. He knew she was coming so why would he stay out so late? She must've called him atleast twenty times.

Ray: ash? wya?
Ray: I'm at the house
Ray: call me


Her heart ached when she saw that he read them but was choosing to not text her back. "Don't worry, ray. I know how Ashtray feels about you. He probably has a good reason for not texting back. Just trust him." She sighed. Fez was right. "Okay. While we wait you can explain why the girl from the drug deal is here."

After they explained the story she checked the time, It was midnight. I began to feel worried. What if the Nate got him. He has a lot of enemies. What if he's hurt. Faye must've sensed her anxiety because she laid a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Ray. He knows how to handle himself." Ray nodded, relaxing a bit and unclenching her jaw. Before he realized it, she had fallen asleep.

"Wake up, ma." I opened my eyes, calming down slightly. "Ash? Where were you?" Ashtray didn't answer at first, instead he walked over to Fez. He pulled out a roll of hundreds. "What's all this. Where did you get this?" Ashtray didn't reply instead he tossed the money onto the table.

"It's from this deal I made." Fez shook his head. "What you mean, what deal?" Fez's voice didn't sound angry but confused. "The one we couldn't get yesterday." Now Fez was angry. "Why the fuck did you go behind my back. You know I could've handled that. Come on, man."
Ashtray rolled his eyes. "Why are you mad? All I did was get this money, like I've always done." Ray scoffed. "And you couldn't tell anyone where you went? And you couldn't text someone back. I was worried, you know." Ashtray frowned slightly but quickly turned away, his back facing Ray. "It's not that fucking serious."

"Come on, ash. Don't-" Fez said cautiously. Ray stood up. "It's serious to me! You could've called. What if something happened to you." She looked down, frowning. "But nothing happened. I needed to get the money. Ever since I met you I've been distracted from what's important, the money." As soon as those words left his mouth the realization of what he just said hit. He quickly covered him mouth. "I didn't-" Ray shook her head. Her eyes began to gloss over. "Yes. Yes you did." She grabbed her bag roughly. " I'm glad you know what's important. Goodnight, Ashtray." She left, slamming the door behind her

"Wait!" Fez placed a hand on Ashtray's shoulder. "Let her go." Ashtray nodded as a single tear fell from his eye.

an: soooo, im sorry it's pretty short. I have some other cool stuff in the works and they have been taking up most of my time. Not to mention I'm a student. I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment, vote and maybe even a follow :)

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