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[she knows- j.cole]

Ray rolled out of bed. She had been up all night talking with ashtray. She contemplated not going to school. However, something made her get up despite her persistent urge to get back in bed and never leave the comfort of her sheets.

Ray groggily walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. Gia sat at the table, eating a bowl of cereal.
" 'Morning." Ray yawned out, twisting the cap of the bottle off. Gia stayed silent, not looking up from her food. "Gia?" Ray approached her, confused. "What." Gia said, her attitude apparent. Ray raised an eyebrow, even more confused than before. "Woah, chill with the attitude." Gia roughly stood up from her chair. "I gotta go. I'm meeting up with some friends before school." She quickly turned and left, leaving a concerned Ray behind.

"Rue?" Ray called out. No answer. "Rue?!"   "What?!" Rue yelled back. "What's wrong with Gia?" Rue opened her room door and peaked out. "I- I don't fucking know?" Ray nodded. "Okay well, she's acting weird. Since when has she left for school so early?" Rue shrugged. "Listen." Rue walked toward the kitchen.
" she's probably going through some shit right now. Just don't overreact." Ray nodded, not completely convinced. Ray looked rue up and down.

"Are you going to school?" Rue tilting her head back, placing a hand on her forehead. "Nah, I-im feeling kinda sick. Thinking about staying home for the week." Ray shrugged.
" 'Kay, well imma head out." Rue didn't respond, she was too busy downing some of the orange juice straight from the carton.

* * * * * * * * *

School was finally over and Ray was riding her bike back home. Gia must've already left with her friends because ray couldn't find her.

"Gia?" Ray opened the front door. Gia was nowhere in sight. Neither was rue. "Guess it's just me." Ray shrugged.

Ray plopped onto her bed after changing her clothes. After a few unanswered calls to Gia and rue, her next thought was to call ashtray. Ray was worried, he didn't answer her call that morning and he wasn't in class. The phone rang, and eventually went to voicemail. "What's going on?" Ray texted ashtray.




u good?

Ray turned off her phone. She laid her head onto the pillow, boredom and worry overcoming her. She decided she should on a bike ride. Maybe go to her favorite spot.

As soon as she step foot outside a car pulled up. The car looked suspiciously familiar but Ray couldn't put her finger on who it belonged to. Gia stepped out, waving goodbye to whoever was in the drivers seat.

"Gia? Who was that?" Ray asked. Gia rolled her eyes, brushing past ray. "Why does it matter?" "Because you're my little sister?" Ray followed after her. "Oh, so now you care?" Gia scoffed and stormed to her room. "We are so not done with this conversation!" Ray followed behind her. "Who was in the car? And why have you been acting so weird?" Gia rubbed her temples in irritation. "I'm acting weird?! You used to care about me! You used to spend time with me! But, now, your to wrapped up with your boyfriend to give a damn about your own sister. "

Ray could admit that her having a boyfriend did take up a lot of her time. But, ray still spent time with Gia when she had the chance. Ray was dumbfounded at her words, and for a moment she didn't know the right words to say. "If it was Rue, I'd understand. But, you, I can't understand. Please, just go." Ray nodded, not looking up from her shoes.

Had she really been so selfish?

an: sooooooo, issa shorter chap today. Mother's Day was super busy for me so I didn't have much time to write. This chap is pretty important to the plot so keep this in mind 😏 I love reading your comments! It's makes me so happy to see it, even if it hurts my feelings a little (I know the dress from chap 1 was ugly but still 😭) but I really love the comments! Hope you enjoyed and happy Mother's Day!

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