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[sing to you- shiloh dynasty]




I stared at the contact name for a second, shocked.


Her voice. I missed her voice.


"Ash.. I'm sorry. I know it's been a while. I just needed some time."

"No I get it. Im.. sorry."

"I wanted to call to tell you that I forgave her. And I forgive you.  I just want things to go back to how it used to be, Y'know."

"Yeah, I know. I miss you more than anything."

"Oh yeah? Look up."

I looked up. There she was, standing in the door way of the store. I ran toward her, nearly tackling her. I wrapped my arms around her. "Don't leave me again." I mumbled into the nape of her neck. She giggled, squeezing me tighter. "I won't."


"Glad to have you back, ray." Fez smiled as he restocked the store. "Glad to be back." I glanced at ash, he concentrated on counting the money in the cash register. "Don't just stand there. Come help out." He yelled, not looking up. I nodded, getting to work.


"So. What are we gonna do now?" I asked as Fez drove  away from the shop. "Well, I got some product I need to pack so you can probably help out with that. Faye can't do shit right so I'm not even gonna bother asking."

We went inside and got started. Today felt pretty normal. I looked around, trying to find Ash. I peered down the hall, seeing him stare at the monitors on his desk. I stood up, deciding to check on him.

"Hey." He looked up, a small smile graced his lips. "What's up?" I smiled softly. "Nothing. I just wanted to check up on you." He smirked. "Can't stand to be with out me for even a minute, huh." He said sarcastically. "Even though your being an ass, you're right." He stood up, wrapping his arms around me. "I feel the same, Y'know?" I nodded. I pushed past him, focusing my self on the monitors. They showed every exit and entrance to the house.

"Who is that?" I pointed to the car parked next to the house. " Who the fuck.." he trailed off as he peered into the car. "Holy shit. It's cal."

"His ass should've never came here." Ash said before storming off. I ran after him, hoping to stop him before he does something drastic but Fez beat me to it. "What's going on?" His eyes flickered between the two of us. "He's here. Cal has been parked outside the house all day." Ash didn't say anything, instead he walked into the laundry room and walked back out with a shotgun. "Holy shit." I breathed out. He didn't pay me any mind and left the house

A few seconds later ash walks back in with cal in front of him. "Sit." Ash demanded, pointing at a empty chair. Fez stood up and walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You should go wait in ashtrays room." I looked at ashtray. He glared at cal, gripping the shotgun tightly. "What are you gonna do?" "We're gonna handle it.

That's was enough to make me shut up and do as told. I could still hear them talking even though I couldn't make out what they were saying. I could even hear ashtray hit someone (I'll assume Cal) with the shotgun. I flinched at the thought of it. I paced around his room when I realized Ive never really taken a good look around.

I decided to snoop around, Y'know to distract myself. Or at least that was what I told myself. I opened his closet to see majority of his clothes were Nike tracksuits and white tank tops. His shoe collection was amazing. I can't imagine how much its worth. I closed the closet and kept looking around.

"His bed side table." I opened the drawer. There wasn't much, so I picked up the first thing I saw, a lighter, to be exact it was the matching lighter I gifted him.  I sat it down and picked up the black case next to it. As I picked it up I took note of how heavy it was. I gently unclasped the latch and took a look inside. It was a tattoo gun. "He never told me he likes to tattoo." I thought to my self. I continued looking around, not really finding much. A few empty bowls here and there.

"What are you doing?"

I jolted up, snapping my neck to look at where the voice came from. "Hey! Uh, ash." I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves after being jump scared. I took a second to look at ash. He held a white wash cloth. The white began to fade into a deep red, evidently from Cal's blood. He looked down, following my eyes. He quickly pocketed the cloth, pretending that he never had it. "You were being nosy, weren't you." I nodded, looking away. "I can't help it. I want to know more about you." He sighed, walking toward me. "What do you want to know?"

We laid in his bed, talking each other's ears off. He talked about his grandma, and how it affected him growing up. He talked about his name, and it's origin. He opened up to me, and I finally felt like I saw the real ashtray.

"What about you?" I looked up at him." What do you mean?" He sat up a little. "Tell me something i don't know about you." I smiled. "Uhhh, I used to be really mean." He chuckled. "Yeah, sure. I can't imagine you being mean." I laughed along, "I swear. Growing up I never really had friends so I used to put on an mean front. I scared everyone away. Until one day, my dad got sick and everything changed." I paused, looking down. His face softened, a hand rubbed my shoulder bringing some comfort to me. I gathered up my courage and continued.

"He made me promise to get out of my shell and make friends, have genuine relationships , go to parties. It was hard but I had to keep my promise to him." He nodded. "He sounded like a good dad. I'm sorry that he's gone and I can't imagine how you must feel but I want you to know that I'm here and I'll always be here." I nodded. I can't hold onto him forever. "Pinky promise?" He wrapped one hand around me, the other one connected with mine by the pinky. "Pinky promise."

    𝘈𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮  - Ashtray x OCWhere stories live. Discover now