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24 December 1997

Wrapping paper is scattered around the minimalistic room and giggles fill the air.

"Stop it Loulou! I said I was sorry." Harry laughs loudly, clutching his belly and this way trying to avoid as many tickles from Louis as possible.

The latter cackles back, but denies Harry's request and simply continues tickling the younger boy at his sides.

They've known each other for quite some time and during this Louis has gotten to know all of Harry's weak spots. The green-eyed one now has to endure the consequences of this.

"Louuu, please stop!" Harry begs in between giggles. "I'm going to pee my pants!"

"Take it back then," Louis demands, his hands moving even faster so Harry can't say no.

"Fine! You don't have any grey hairs and you aren't a grandpa yet."

In response Louis leans back and pulls his arms away, giving Harry some time to breathe.

Harry sits up with a whine and lays his hands around his body, protecting himself from possible future attacks. "It's not fair! You're older than me and sooo much stronger."

"Only a year and two months." Louis counters. "Before you know it you'll be five! Almost as old as me."

This makes Harry smile and he hugs Louis closely, snuggling into his warmth. "You're the best Lou, but please don't tickle me like that again."

Louis looks down at the younger boy and his lips tug up into a grin. "As long as you don't call me old anymore, I promise I won't."

Harry then lets go, suddenly remembering something, and a gasp escapes his lips at the realization. "I haven't given you your birthday present yet!"

Louis rolls his eyes. "You've already given me my Christmas present." He looks his best friend deep in the eyes. "That's more than enough, I promise. I loved your drawing."

He grabs the handmade drawing Harry made for him to prove his point, lifting up the paper with bits of unrealistic scribbles on it. Harry has drawn them both in a field, hand in hand with hearts all around them. If you didn't know the back story, you wouldn't have guessed it just based on the art, but Louis loves it anyway.

Harry grins. "I'm glad you like it, but I have an even better birthday present for you." He crawls on his knees towards their bunk bed, reaching for something under the pillow of his bed.

Harry had received the lower bed due to his height and age, not able to climb to the upper one probably. Louis was already more developed and therefore better capable to make his way to the top bunk bed.

They have been roommates almost their whole life. They were both brought in at an extremely young age, both just after they were born.

Louis stayed alone in a room, at that time still in a crib, until Harry came about a year later. Ever since then, they have been inseparable and roommates as well as best friends.

Harry clumsily makes his way back to where Louis is sitting and hands him the present with a shy smile. "I wrapped it myself. I hope you like it."

Louis excitedly starts tearing the wrapping paper to see what's inside and a small gasp escapes his lips when he finds a photo frame and a bracelet in it.

His eyes widen when he sees a picture of the both of them at about 4 years old, Harry holding his favorite teddy bear in his hands. The frame is decorated with all kinds of colorful shiny stones and Louis traces them with his index finger.

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