Chapter two

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Louis' new guardians are walking on both his sides, Kat on his right one and Patrick on the left. They're already asking a load of questions to the boy, but he's happy to answer them.

Patrick, the cook of the family, asked which meal he liked to eat most and once Louis told him it was in fact sausage, mash, and gravy, Patrick immediately offered to make it for him and Louis simply couldn't resist.

They then reach the car and Louis walks towards one of the back doors, waiting for the car to be opened and after that stepping inside.

Kat looks over her shoulder before starting the car, making sure that Louis is okay and sending him a smile. The gesture is returned and Kat looks forward to the road with still a huge grin on her face.

The car starts with a small rumble and then they head towards Louis' new home. Home. He still can't fully grasp what is happening at the moment.

A few hours ago he was staring out of the window of his old room, thinking about his future, about Harry... About a lot of things, and now, now he's actually getting a new brighter future and a chance to see Harry again.

It's a lot to take in but happiness does flow through Louis' veins. There is a genuine smile plastered on his face. So all the nervousness doesn't truly matter because he's happy again.

Lots of meadows and pine trees pass them as they drive from the city toward the suburbs. Louis is wondering what his house will be like and the place they're going to live in. Will he get a nice room? Will the people in the neighborhood be friendly? Will his new school accept him in the middle of the school year?

All these thoughts are cut off as they suddenly seem to have passed the forest and are steering into a small village. Louis presses his nose to the window to get a good look outside and his eyes widen when they capture all the surroundings.

There are some older-looking homes that look quite comfy and warm but seem not necessarily expensive. But oh boy... There are also some giant houses that make Louis' jaw drop. The houses look so huge and expensive that probably only a loaded person can afford them.

Patrick then looks at Louis from the passenger's seat to catch his reaction and he chuckles when he sees Louis' shocked face. "They're quite something, aren't they?"

Louis gazes toward Patrick, trying to form some words but they come out with some difficulty. "What is this town? The houses are either really small or huge. What kind do you guys own?"

Kat laughs and also joins the conversation. "This town has either quite poor civilians or quite rich ones. We try to support each other, so it's a nice town to live in. And to answer your question about our house, we're here now."

The vehicle indeed comes to a stop and Louis immediately looks past the front row seats to look through the windscreen to the house in front of them. When he does so, he becomes absolutely speechless. One thing is for sure and that is that Kat and Patrick are part of the rich civilians.

Louis opens the car door to get a better look from outside and once he does so, the house seems to the eye even bigger upon the hill than it was from the car. It's enormous.

His eyes trail past all the details. Past the red-brown colored bricks, towards the neatly maintained garden to finally stop at the stairs leading up to it.

He looks at his guardians for permission, feeling like it's improper to just walk inside, and Kat simply rolls her eyes before pulling him towards the entrance, letting Patrick deal with his baggage. Louis is about to protest, but he's slightly comforted by the fact that his bag weighs almost nothing so it shouldn't be too much of a burden.

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