Chapter ten

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At the mall, Louis ends up buying a present for Harry, just like he promised he would do. He searches almost every store for the perfect gift until a fantastic idea popped into his head.

As they are walking through an arts and crafts store his eyes fall on a big box with beads. He knows just what to do.

Louis grabs the box with beads in it, and some string to make the actual bracelet, and he also finds some stones and other decorations that resemble the things Harry used for his picture frame. Of course, he also needs a plain picture frame and some glue.

Kat furrows her eyebrows at the purchase but doesn't question it, simply paying for the art supplies.

When Louis gets home, he immediately gets to work. He makes a similar bracelet Harry made for him and puts it on his wrist. Next, he gets started on the picture frame. His tongue is stuck out the whole time he's crafting it, and it ends up looking much worse than five-year-old Harry's did. Louis figures, however, that the thought is what matters.

Louis asks Kat to wrap his presents, not being a huge talent in wrapping himself, but not before putting a copy of the picture he has himself into the picture frame. Kat's eyes soften once she sees the gift and now the purchases make a whole lot more sense to her.

It's already quite late at night when Louis has finished his presents, so he decides to go to bed and get a good night's sleep. The crafting really tired him out, which is a good thing. The night before he had barely any sleep because Harry was present in his thoughts and dreams.

It's worth it, though. Harry is worth the world.

When he wakes up, Pat doesn't stop talking about the match. Kat jokes that she doesn't know who's more excited, Louis or Pat, and Louis knows the answer to that question just as well as everyone else in the house.

Sure, Louis is also looking forward to the game, but Pat's exhilaration is just next level. He loves it though, how elated his adoptive father is. It makes him feel a lot more eager for the match too.

They end up going in an hour early. There aren't a lot of people in the stadium yet, probably just the true fans and some stressful parents. Louis doesn't mind though, the smile on Pat's face makes up for it.

"I haven't come here in a while," Pat explains, his eyes glued on the field and full of anticipation. "Kat isn't exactly the biggest fan of football and I don't have a lot of friends in England, so I'm glad I have you." Pat smiles at Louis.

Louis beams back, not really knowing what to reply, but Patrick happily continues rambling. "I used to go with your mother when I was younger. She was a huge football fan, also rooting for this team." He points to the football players who are now warming up. "She looks just like you, you know?" Patrick tilts his head, this time falling quiet.

Louis is a little stunned, to be honest. "Kat already said that too yesterday." He finally settles on answering. "And my mom was a football fan? Really?" His voice is full of adoration, even though he never properly knew his mom.

A soft smile forms on Pat's face as he looks away, his eyes once again glued on the field again. "I remember her eyes, really similar to yours, full of fire and excitement every time we went to a match. We were both so crazy about football and it became our thing..." He glances at Louis. "Maybe now it can become our thing? I know you're not your mother, but-"

Louis interrupts the older man who is trying to apologize for nothing. "I would love that." He starts. "I love football and hell! I'm even on the team."

"When was your match again?" Patrick asks. "I definitely have to come to see that. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

This makes Louis smile as bright as the sun. "It's tomorrow, actually. I don't know if you're free then?"

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