Chapter one

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A lot has changed over the last couple of years, ten to be exact. Louis is now seventeen years and a month old, which means that Harry is about to turn sixteen soon.

His now longer legs are stretched upon the window sill and his blue eyes can be seen through the reflection of the glass. Sure, Louis has grown a lot, but he's still relatively small for his age and probably will remain that way. The boy can't help but wonder if Harry will be longer than him now. He can't get Harry out of his head.

It's quite cold in the room of the orphanage, the snow on the window isolating some of the cold but not everything. The trees without leaves are sweeping in the wind and Louis simply stares at them, not moving a single inch.

The room has also changed a little bit. The bunkbeds have remained and are still stood in the corner of the room, but the sheets aren't covered with flowers or footballs anymore but are creamy white. The closet has also been upgraded a notch because it was too small for both the boys in the room since they had grown quite a lot. Other than that, everything has remained the same.

Not surprisingly, the residents have been switched since Harry left, him being replaced by a nice fellow called Zayn Malik. At first, Louis tried to hate his new roommate, claiming that no one would be able to replace Harry, but over time he gave in and started to like his new friend. His statement that nobody could replace his green-eyed friend remained, but a friendship was built between Louis and Zayn.

Suddenly, Louis hears a door open behind him but he remains unpassive, knowing that the only one who could have come in is his roommate, Zayn.

He knows his assumption is correct when he hears a 'what's happening?' behind him and he laughs softly, loving that Zayn always uses that phrase. He mumbles a small 'hi' back before letting his mind wander again.

Throughout the years he started to think about Harry a little less a day. In the beginning, he literally thought of his ex-roommate every second of the day while he wept in bed and cried, but now he thinks about Harry probably once or twice in those twenty-four hours. It's weird how someone leaves your mind so quickly.

Whenever he thinks about Harry, however, he can't help but worry. The feeling about his adoptive parents hasn't ceased and he still has a weird sensation in his belly when he thinks back to those horrible eyes. He just prays softly every day that Harry will be alright.

Today it's a day before Harry's sixteenth birthday and he can't stop thinking about it. His best friend is going to turn sixteen already... How fast the night changes.

"How are you mate?" Zayn then interrupts his thoughts.

Louis looks behind him to meet his roommate's gaze and he smiles. "I'm alright thanks, just thinking."

"About Harry?" Zayn immediately guesses, probably knowing which date is nearby and what that means.

Louis nods before looking back outside again. Maybe he secretly hopes that Harry will somehow appear in front of his window with his dimpled smile, but it's unlikely to happen. "Yeah, it's his birthday tomorrow."

Zayn walks toward his friend and taps his legs, silently asking him to move his legs so he can sit. Louis does what he's being asked but still keeps on looking outside, not ready to confront Zayn yet.

"He'll be fine, Lou", Zayn tries to comfort him. "You said it yourself once, Harry is a strong lad. I'm sure he's doing just fine."

Louis doesn't respond because he knows that Zayn won't understand even if he explains it again and again. He knows that his friend means well, but it doesn't exactly help, sadly.

"Well, I came to tell you that miss creepy smile wants to talk to you," Zayn announces, sitting up from the window sill and moving towards his bed instead. "She said it was important, so you should probably go."

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