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28 September 2020

A lot of years passed. Birthdays passed. Holidays passed. Graduations passed. Sadly, a pandemic hasn't passed yet and one thing that will never pass is the love between Louis and Harry.

Sure, the couple had fights, but those were mainly about work and that isn't a problem anymore. They used to work together, Louis as the new principal of the orphanage they grew up in and Harry as a psychologist to help the children along.

What caused the problem was that Harry wanted to do more, but that was already Louis' task. This way, they kept circling around each other, Harry eventually getting bored because he had already spoken to all the children and Louis annoyed because he couldn't normally get his work done.

Luckily, this problem was now solved. They talked about it and agreed that Harry should find a job that would allow him to do more things than he can do now. So that's what he did and it was the best decision of his life.

Harry still sometimes came by the orphanage to talk to the children, but now he's also doing his dream job along with it. He goes by families with adopted children with them and checks if everything is going to plan. He stays with them for quite some time, talks to the children in private, and makes sure that they are treated fairly.

Basically, he's doing what could have prevented his traumatic past and now he's ensuring that what happened to him, won't happen to others. Harry loves doing this and Louis couldn't be more proud of his husband.

Yes, you heard it right, husband. Louis, who is the best principal the orphanage has ever seen (and doesn't smile fakely the whole time), has married the love of his life, eight years ago to be exact.

Sure, they were one of the early ones to marry at an age of only nineteen and twenty years old, but it felt so right. People called them crazy for settling down so soon, but Louis and Harry kept telling them that they don't know about them. They were an exception.

Their parents cried as they kissed after being pronounced husbands at the wedding, happy tears rolling down their faces. They always supported Louis and Harry through everything and encouraged the pair to marry, saying that their love is invincible. This gave Harry and Louis the courage to finally do their dream wedding after Louis proposed.

It was the most romantic proposal. Louis and Harry were visiting the orphans, something they loved to do even before Louis got his job there, and then the older boy led his boyfriend to their room and they just stood there for a while, admiring the place where they first met and said their final goodbye. They have now promised each other that they'll never separate again.

Louis gave Harry a ring with the word 'peace' on it, representing the fact that they concurred all the awful things that came on their path. Now, they can finally be together in peace forever. Harry cried when Louis told him this in his proposal speech and accepted the ring without hesitation. It was one of the best days of their lives.

A day that will maybe beat this best day, is today. Harry and Louis are together in their house, enjoying their day off, watching a movie on the couch as they cuddle closely. The house is situated just outside the suburbs, a perfect place to have children and grow old together. The growing old part will take a while, but the child part is a work in progress.

After their wedding, they began fantasizing about their future. They both agreed that they would have kids, something that they both knew from each other for a long time but was now confirmed, and they decided to get a good house and a dog to make it childproof.

Since the first part of this plan was accomplished, Louis and Harry started the next part of their fantasy. They talked a lot about it, giving them sleepless nights, but they came up with the perfect solution.

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