Chapter eighteen

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After the trial they won, Anne suggests going to their café to celebrate. Patrick and Kat have never been there, well, they had sat inside while they waited for Harry and Louis after the play, but then the incident happened, so they never actually consumed anything there. They were excited to try it out.

There wasn't anything special really about the café, but it just felt like a special place for Harry, Anne, and Louis. Therefore, it was the perfect place to end the day with a banger.

The bell jingles as the group walks through the entrance and Louis and Harry immediately walk hand in hand toward the table where they have always sat. Louis pulls Harry next to him on his chair and takes him on his lap, hugging him tightly around the waist. He's not going to let him go anymore tonight he has decided.

Harry doesn't mind in the slightest and just wiggles closer to Louis, smiling contently. The parents join them and start talking together, leaving the lovebirds alone. Louis and Harry are in their own world so even if they tried to start a conversation with them, they probably wouldn't notice.

Then the waiter comes and Anne orders for the couple a glass of water, extending the time until she has to burst their bubble. It doesn't take long until the drinks arrive, and now they do have to talk to the pair, so Patrick taps Louis on the shoulder. "What do you want, Lou?"

Louis snaps out of his daze and because of his movements Harry also escapes his trance. "Oh, can I have a burger and fries please?" Louis asks, going for the safest and best option in his opinion.

Harry takes a glance at the card and Louis smiles because he knows that Harry is looking for something healthy with lots of nutrients in it and his thoughts are confirmed when Harry asks for a salad. Louis giggles in Harry's neck and the younger boy smiles at him, knowing what Louis finds so funny.

"So, Harry." Anne decides to keep the couple present, glancing at Harry. "I have a little surprise for you..."

Harry perks up and sits straighter in Louis' lap. "You do? What is it?" He asks eagerly, loving surprises.

"Well..." Anne trails off to add some suspension. "I have talked to the people who are looking for a new home for you and I'm approved to take you in! You just have to talk to them tomorrow and then we should be good to go. I was thinking we can maybe start packing tomorrow as well? It shouldn't take too long so in the best case scenario you can move in with me tomorrow."

Harry is a little stunned and his mouth is formed in an 'o', no words coming out. After gaping for a while he smiles. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'm glad you got approved. So, this night is the last time I get to sleep with Louis?" His eyes sadden, his good mood deflating for a second.

Don't get Harry wrong, he loves Anne, but he loves his boyfriend too. He doesn't want to miss him every day and he sleeps really well on Louis' side.

Anne rolls her eyes and smiles. "You can obviously stay at his house as much as you like on the weekends if Kat and Patrick approve of that, but I would like you to have a stable place to stay on school days."

Harry looks over to Patrick and Kat, who simply nod, their lips tugged up in a smile. "You're always welcome, Harry," Kat assures, squeezing Harry's hand. "We love you and your presence and Louis would also be too moody if you never came around." She jokes, making everyone at the table laugh except for Louis who just pouts.

"Thanks, Kat." Harry beams, squeezing her hand back before facing his mother again. "And I agree with your terms. If I get to see Louis on the weekends, I'm in."

"You two are honestly too much." Anne gushes. "If you don't get married I don't know if I believe in love anymore."

Louis and Harry fall into their love haze again upon hearing those words and the parents share glances, shaking their heads fondly at their behavior.

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