Chapter sixteen

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A few weeks pass. Harry luckily doesn't hear anything from his parents anymore. Sure, they tried to find Harry in school, but the principal was warned and sent them away.

The police are contacted and a trial will start soon. In a week to be exact. Now, Harry is living with Louis, sleeping with him in his bedroom, and he has the best nights of sleep in his life.

They explore each other a little bit sexually but don't get too far just yet. Other than fingering and a little bit of rimming it hasn't escalated. Louis and Harry are both waiting for them to get into a relationship before taking the next step. They also know this from each other without having discussed it properly.

Harry has blossomed a lot ever since he has been separated from his parents. He's suddenly a lot more carefree, quirky and happy than he was before. He finally seems to be himself again and Louis' heart bursts because of how blissful Harry is.

Sadly, school is also still a thing. The only things Louis likes about school at the moment are football practice and drama. His team is doing really well and they are first in their competition and even though his team isn't the nicest, he still has a good time. He's lucky to have Liam and they have gotten closer than they were before.

Speaking of Liam, he is now in a relationship with Zayn. Louis is content about this fact, mainly because of how happy the pair is, but also because he gets to see Zayn a lot more. He of course still lives in the orphanage and because of his newfound relationship he and Louis see each a lot more.

Drama is quite hectic at the moment. Apart from their classes, Louis and Harry have to practice a lot. This causes Louis to have quite a busy schedule, but he doesn't mind because he loves doing it. Besides, while practicing, he gets to spend more time with Harry and why would he ever say no to that?

Today, they have their first performance. All the parents are invited and students are also free to bring other people, in fact, the school has stimulated the pupils to do so.

Louis and Harry are backstage, getting ready for the premiere of their performance. They are going to do the whole play twice, one show tonight and the other tomorrow, because the theatre isn't big enough for all the audience to come in at once, so they had to divide it.

To say Harry and Louis are both nervous is an understatement. Harry is literally shaking and Louis is biting off his fingernails because of all the nerves that are moving around his body.

"Haz, I don't know if I can do this..." Louis admits after a while after they are done with make-up. "I have never done this before. What if they hate my acting and-"

"Shhh," Harry says, pressing a finger to Louis' mouth. "Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be fine. I'll be by your side and you're an amazing actor. Mrs. Adams did pick you for a reason."

Harry's motivational speech calms Louis down slightly, but he can't stop biting his fingernails once in a while. It doesn't help that they started preparing way too early and just counting the minutes until they can finally start.

Mrs. Adams is as nervous as Louis and Harry are, pacing through the backstage room and speaking to almost everyone in the production. Her stressy demeanor makes everyone even more anxious, so the teacher isn't really helping, but she means well.

Suddenly, five minutes is called from somewhere, and Louis and Harry immediately lock eyes. They move toward each other for a hug at the same time, meeting halfway. They need comfort and support.

"Louis, if you get nervous, just try to find your parents and Anne. They'll calm you down. And otherwise, just look at me." Harry tries to calm Louis down, who is a virgin on stage as well on some other topics, which are now not in order.

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