Chapter fifteen

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That night they both fall asleep immediately after they have reached Louis' bedroom. It has been a very tiring day for the both of them and they really need to grab some sleep to compensate for this.

Louis hands Harry a pajama since Harry is probably going to stay for a while at his place and it's nice if he can get more comfortable. Afterward, they both slip into bed, immediately moving into the spooning position they have learned to love.

Kat and Patrick move upstairs to check up on the boys a little while later. Anne has left and they have figured out a plan which they are going to tell Harry and Louis the next day.

As their heads sneak a peek past the door, their eyes fall on the sleeping boys. A smile forms on their faces and Patrick carefully closes the door before turning to Kat. "They look adorable."

Kat nods her head vigorously. "Agreed. Do you think it's a good idea for them to sleep together, though?"

"Eh..." Patrick simply shrugs. "If they are planning to do things we can't stop them anyway. It's going to happen. Besides, they are both almost adults, they are smart enough."

Kat agrees, before making her way to their own bedroom, leaving the two boys in peace.

The rest of the night Louis and Harry aren't disturbed and Louis can hug Harry from behind without a problem. They sleep really well together, immediately falling asleep with the other's comfort and their regular breathing. It's amazing really.

Sadly, in the morning, it is time for them to wake up. Louis is the first one to do so and let's just say he has had quite an intense dream...

As his eyes slowly open, the memories flush in. He remembers how Harry sounded in his dream, his moans making him hard in his dream as well as in real life. But how could he not as he was pounding into Harry's body while feeling such big chemistry with him? It was perfect.

Even though his dream was incredible, now he likes it a little less. His hard-on is apparently pressing against Harry's bum, who is still sleeping. Louis curses under his breath, trying to wiggle away from Harry's body without waking him up. It's impossible though because Harry's hand is squeezing Louis' and definitely not letting go.

Louis grumbles some incomprehensible words under his breath as he tries to at least get as much distance between them as possible. He doesn't want to use Harry's body without consent and therefore tries to keep as much distance as he can.

The drawback of this all is that Harry is now slightly stirring in his dream, being awakened by the movements behind him. His long eyelids flutter as his eyes open, his green eyes immediately meeting Louis' as he comes to his senses. "Why aren't you hugging me anymore?" He whines, tugging Louis closer by pulling his hand. "Come back."

Louis smiles nervously and doesn't let his body budge in the slightest. He can't help but keep repeating the words 'this is so embarrassing' in his head. "I kind of can't, Haz..." He decides on admitting it.

"Why not?" Harry frowns.

"Well..." Louis trails off and just ends up pointing downwards, where a small bump is seen underneath the blanket. He figures that is at least less awkward than having to say the words aloud.

Harry's eyes shoot open with surprise after having looked down, but Louis is glad that he can't find anger or disgust in Harry's expression. "Oh..."

Louis rubs the back of his neck and looks away from Harry's stare. "Yeah... I'm sorry, I couldn't control it. I had a dream that affected me and I tried to keep as much distance-"

"What was it about?" Harry asks, his low morning voice even more evident than it was other mornings. It gives Louis shivers.

"Well..." Louis starts. "It was about you actually? I hope that doesn't freak you out?"

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