Chapter eight

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The next day it was finally Friday and Louis was thrilled. Mainly, this was because the school week was finally over and this meant that his about-to-be amazing weekend was on the horizon.

But it was also because of the great news the day before. Harry and Louis awkwardly let go of each other before heading toward lunch with a big smiles on their faces. Niall and Liam were just as excited about their accomplishment as the pair with the main leads were.

Luckily, the schooldays flew by for Louis and now he and Liam are heading home like they usually do nowadays. Louis sits in his familiar spot in the car, the passenger seat, and talks to Liam while they're driving home.

"Do you want to hang out before dinner?" Louis suggests as he steps out of the car when they have reached his home. "I can also ask if you can stay for dinner if you would like. It's Friday after all."

Liam beams at the suggestion and bobs his head in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds great! I'll just set my car on the lawn of our house and then I'll meet you inside. You go ahead."

Louis assents before turning around and walking toward his front door. Kat and Pat have given him a pair of keys yesterday, so now he doesn't have to ring the bell anymore. He simply puts the key into the keyhole, twists his wrist a few times, and finally pushes open the door.

He can already hear people frantically talking in the living room and this makes a smile form on Louis' face. He moves toward the noise, but there aren't just Patrick and Kat in the room.

"Zayn?" Louis asks questionably, but most of all happily. His body leaps forward to his former roommate and he wraps Zayn into an easy hug.

Louis can hear the boy from Bradford chuckle before hugging him back and they embrace for a while, taking in each other's comforting scents in the process.

Louis has to admit that Zayn is also part of his home. He has lived with him for ten years for fucks sake. It's not really surprising that they feel so comfortable around each other.

"I've missed you," Louis whispers softly, pulling away from the hug to scrutinize his friend. Zayn looks just the same and it makes Louis smile.

Zayn had some problems with eating a while ago so Louis can't help but check sometimes if Zayn isn't falling back into his old habits. Luckily, his friend looks just the same as he has left him, but Louis makes a note to himself to keep checking sometimes.

A chuckle escapes Zayn's mouth as he also takes in Louis' appearance. It's like they haven't seen each other in a year instead of a single week. "I've missed you too, Lou. So how have you been?"

They both take a seat on the couch, Louis' parents leaving to give both of them some privacy. "I've been great," Louis says with a bright smile. "Kat and Pat are honestly the best and also..." He trails off, adding some suspension. "I have found Harry."

This makes Zayn's eyes widen significantly and then a huge grin forms on his face. "You did? So fast? How?"

Louis laughs at Zayn's questions. "Well, we're actually in the same year at school. When I saw him, I had my suspicions, but when I saw the bracelet he gave me around his wrist... I knew that it was my Harry." He blushes when he realizes his last words, but luckily Zayn can't tease him about it because Liam suddenly walks into the room.

To be honest, Louis had fully forgotten about his friend because of all the excitement when he got home. Zayn and Louis both snap their eyes toward the boy in the door opening.

"Hi, Liam! I'm sorry, it was a surprise that Zayn was here. We were roommates in the orphanage." Louis explains.

Liam frowns, a small pout forming on his lips which he quickly tries to hide. "Oh, should I give you some alone time then?"

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