Chapter eleven

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After they have said their goodbyes, Patrick and Louis sit in the car and remain silent for a while. Harry's parents didn't seem precisely thrilled after the conversation and simply left without a word, their chins high up in the air. Harry followed like a lost puppy, his gaze glued to the floor.

"So, I'm guessing it didn't go all that well?" Louis asks his voice resembling a silent whisper.

Patrick shakes his head in response, tilting his head and looking up to the ceiling of the vehicle. "No, not at all... I was just trying to convince them that it was okay that Harry liked boys and girls when they started blabbering about the therapy they're sending him to..." His voice cracks.

Louis can't help but look away, feeling emotional himself. Looking at Patrick won't help with this situation, so he decides to not face his adoptive father in order to keep his tears contained.

"I-I really thought I could help for a moment." Patrick goes on, clearly emotional but not crying. "But when I heard about the conversion therapy, Louis... I knew it was already decided and done." He shakes his head. "I just can't believe why parents would do that to their children."

Louis turns to look at Patrick again and is surprised to see the older man eyeing him curiously already. He's about to reply when Patrick interrupts him. "You like him, don't you?"

Louis' mouth falls open and he doesn't manage to get any words out. "H-how do you know?"

Patrick simply gestures with his hands to Louis, but as he sees that the younger boy doesn't understand what he's trying to say, he speaks up. "You have a glow around you, but it's hidden quite well by your gloomy side, which is really normal seen the circumstances."

Louis looks down at his lap, not really knowing what to say. "You aren't mad are you?" He can't help but be insecure about how Pat feels about everything. He has been adopted after all, and they can as easily get rid of him as they got him. Harry's parents also don't help with his image of adoptive parents, even though he deep down knows that Kat and Pat are nothing like that.

A sad smile forms on Patrick's lips. "Of course, I'm not mad. In fact, I'm so happy for you!" He practically squeals. "You and Harry are perfect for each other!"

Louis beams and a blush cover his cheek. "Thanks, Pat."

He simply grins and starts the car, putting it in reverse so he can drive out of the parking lot. "So, how are you going to fix the problem with Harry's parents then? The feeling is mutual, right?"

Louis starts to turn redder and redder, finding the conversation a little awkward. "Yeah it's mutual, we've discussed it just now actually. Harry insists on not doing anything so I don't know..."

"You don't agree with that, do you?" Patrick looks over at Louis with worried features.

Louis shakes his head. "No, I don't but it's not my choice to make." He clenches his hands into fists.

"There are some things you haven't told me, aren't there?" Patrick says softly, looking back at the road again.

Louis says nothing, answering Patrick's question with his silence.


The next day, the first time Louis sees Harry is at the musical. Mrs. Adams is pacing through the room, giving everyone orders and waving her hands in the air. She's already tense and they haven't even started yet.

As soon as her eyes fall on Louis, she practically pulls him toward the stage. "You're late." She scolds him.

"But I'm here before the bell ra-" Louis protests.

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