Chapter six

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Louis closes the door behind them after they have entered the house. The door makes a small squeaking sound but Louis could have easily mistaken it for Harry making the noise because the boy seems like he is about to faint.

"I was stunned too when I first saw it," Louis assures Harry, walking inside and checking over his shoulder to see if his friend is following him. "Do you want something to eat?"

This makes Harry get out of his trance and his forest eyes meet Louis' blue ones. "Yes, please. If it isn't too much trouble."

Louis laughs at how polite Harry is. "Haz, you can loosen up around me. You don't have to say please and of course, it's not too much trouble!" He exclaims with a grin, making Harry smile too. "Besides, I would probably do anything for you anyway so just ask if you need something."

This makes Harry flush and he looks away, his eyes trailing around the hallway instead. Louis notes that he finds Harry's smile adorable, before moving toward the kitchen. "Do you want some crisps or maybe something from fruit? We have everything really. Popcorn? M&Ms?"

Harry watches as Louis goes and sits on the counter, his eyes widening. Can Louis do that without getting in trouble? He ignores the thought and decides to answer instead. "I don't mind really, even though I prefer healthy things. Maybe a banana? I love bananas."

Louis rolls his eyes but hands Harry a banana nevertheless. "You're such a health freak that it's actually hilarious. I'm the complete opposite, so I'm just going to make myself some popcorn."

The smaller boy moves his body through the kitchen, having to climb on the counter once again to reach a cupboard. This makes Harry snort softly, but Louis catches it anyway, and the taller boy gives his friend an innocent smile. Louis doesn't buy it though and glares playfully at the other lad. "Now, I know that I'm small, but why do you have to be mean about it." He pouts.

Harry now full-on laughs, clutching his belly. "I can't believe you can't even reach that! You're such a small bean."

This makes Louis gasp. "I'm big, give me a break!"

Now Harry is literally rolling on the floor because of all the laughter coming out of his mouth and Patrick raises his eyebrows at the sight as he enters the kitchen with groceries in his hands for dinner.

Louis is the first one to notice Patrick, but soon after follows Harry and the laughter quickly dies out. He scrambles to his feet and shyly reaches out his hand for Patrick to shake. "Hi, I'm sorry for that. I'm Harry, a friend of Louis'." He introduces himself.

Patrick quickly puts the groceries on the counter before shaking Harry's hand with a kind smile. "Hi, Harry, I'm Patrick, but most people call me Pat." He presents himself. "And I really don't mind. It was actually a nice sight to come home to, my boy and his friend laughing."

This makes Harry straighten his back, not feeling as timid anymore, and he beams at the older man. "It's nice to meet you, Pat."

Louis by then has already hopped to the floor and popped the popcorn into the microwave, and the machine beeps as it signals that the time has passed for the snack to be prepared. He walks towards the microwave, a bowl already in his hand, and with the other, he carefully grabs the snack and puts it into the bowl.

Harry and Pat are by then really bonding and laughing together, making Louis smile at the sight. He's glad to see Harry comfortable, not something that happens often. He knows that they really have to get started though, so he taps Harry's shoulder to wordlessly ask him to come with him upstairs.

"Wow, Lou! Did you know Harry's idea about a gender reversal or a homosexual play? Isn't it really creative?" Patrick gushes, reaching over the mess up Harry's hair. Louis catches the flinch that Harry tries to hide, but he knows he should ignore this fact for now.

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