Chapter four

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They keep hugging each other, embracing each other almost the same way they used to do when they were infants. The only difference is that Harry is now taller than Louis and the smaller boy seems to notice this too, because as he pulls away he says, "you're so tall Haz."

Harry chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, yeah, I'm not five anymore."

"Well, me neither! But that doesn't mean that I'm such a giant as you are." Louis exclaims, making Harry laugh.

He shrugs. "I can't help it that you're so tiny." He teases Louis. "I'm not that much taller than the average length for males in this country."

Louis is about to give a sassy reply when a certain Irishman suddenly interjects. "Hang on, who are you exactly?" He gives Louis a curious look.

Louis meets his gaze and knows that neither Liam nor Niall know what's going on. "Shall we shit down? Harry and I can explain then." He suggests, pointing towards Niall's and Harry's table.

Both the boys nod and take a seat, giving their friends an inquisitive glance. Louis looks at Harry to silently ask who is going to tell the story and his friend seems to understand this, only giving Louis a nod as to say 'go on'.

"Well, you must have guessed that Harry and I know each other." Louis begins, receiving two nods from the two boys across from him. "Niall, you don't know this yet, but I was still in an orphanage until like one day ago. Harry here was adopted at a young age, but I wasn't." He elaborates.

Niall moves his head up and down, nodding, wondering how Louis knows his name but not interrupting him.

"Harry and I were roommates while we were still both at the orphanage and best friends. I was an absolute wreck when he left and I don't know how young Harold was at this time, but I'm guessing he missed me too?"

Harry rapidly nods his head, making Louis smile softly. "And just before he left, he gave me my birthday present." He continues after having taken a deep breath. "I got a picture frame, I still have the picture, sadly I broke the frame." He gives Harry an apologetic look but receives a shrug in return.

"So obviously the presents were really precious to me, but I gave one back to harry without him noticing it..."

"Yeah, why did you do that?" Harry suddenly interrupts him, giving him an hurt but also curious peer.

Louis looks away from the stare, suddenly feeling a little bit bad about what he's about to say. "Well, when I saw your adoptive parents I got a bad vibe from them? They didn't have kind eyes." He offers, now finally facing Harry again who has an unreadable expression on his face. "I guess I just wanted you to have something from me for when you were sad or going through a rough patch? I don't know... It just felt right." He carefully moves his hand towards Harry's wrist, moving the bracelet to have an even better look than before.

"So that's how you recognized him?" Liam starts to put the pieces together.

"Well, partly", Louis admits, looking into Harry's eyes. "But once I saw Harry I also knew that his eyes were familiar and so similar to the ones of young Harry, but I was certain when I saw the bracelet."

Harry smiles, showing his dimples, and suddenly he's pulled into a hug again. "I also recognized you when I saw your eyes, but I didn't want to believe it," Harry whispers in his ear. "I was scared I guess, but I'm so so happy that it's you."

Louis finally wipes away his tears, beaming at his old best friend. "I'm so glad that I found you too. That was partly why I was so excited to have been adopted... I hoped that I would be able to find you, Haz."

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