Chapter twelve

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That Friday, Niall is hosting a party and the whole school is invited. His parents are off to visit family in Ireland and sadly the Irish lad can't come with them because of school. The benefit of it, though, is that he can throw an amazing party.

Louis, Harry, and Liam have been excited the entire school week, not able to contain their excitement that they're going to a party. Yes, and you read that right, Harry is also coming along. He has convinced his parents that he and Niall are going to work on a project at Niall's house and at least part of that is true.

Harry's parents have known Niall their entire life, so they don't go ballistic when Harry goes to stay over at his house. Niall is a nice and well-behaved lad after all.

Louis is currently standing in front of the mirror, tucking one of his newest t-shirts into his bright red jeans. Kat told him he should wear that after he had told her he was going to a party, so Louis is simply listening to her advice.

After he has fixed his fringe and is content with the way he looks, he puts on his shoes before moving down the stairs.

Patrick and Kat give him a bright smile just before he leaves, telling him to be back at twelve. He can deal with that.

He walks over to Liam's house, with who he's leaving for the party, and is not even surprised when he sees Liam already sitting in the car. Louis is known for his tardiness and he also acknowledges this bad trait.

Liam waves when he sees his friend approaching, giving him a warm smile. Louis gladly reciprocates it as he steps into the car, shutting the door behind him with a small bang.

"Are you excited about the party?" Liam asks excitedly as he backs out of his lawn. "Hang on, is this your first one?"

Louis chuckles. "Well, if you don't count the small parties we have in the orphanage, then no."

"Me neither..." Liam admits with a small smile. "I wasn't invited before."

Louis gives him a sympathetic look. "Well, I'm glad we've met Niall then. This is a great first party to have because there are going to be nice people so it will be a banger. If you went to another party with our lame teammates it would be boring anyway." Louis tries to console his friend.

Liam laughs, before frowning. "Hang on... Which nice people are coming along?" He remains silent when he sees Louis' grin before exploding. "You didn't, Lou!" He frowns.

Louis laughs loudly and shrugs. "Did I do what?"

"Did you invite Zayn, Louis?" He asks with a huff.

"I might have?" Louis giggles, running a hand through his fringe. When Liam remains silent, he looks over at him with a pout. "Don't act like you don't want him to come! I'm not blind you know..."

"Does he know?" Liam asks with a small voice, clearly insecure. "That I like him?"

"I'm not sure..." Louis answers honestly. "But one thing is for sure, Li, he obviously likes you too!"

This makes Liam light up. His eyes are stuck on the road, but Louis can find a small twinkle in them. "Do you really think so?"

"Yes! I swear to god, you're both so oblivious!"

"Don't act like you and Harry weren't the same a week ago!"

Louis doesn't have anything to say to that, but luckily, he doesn't have to. This is because they're driving past Niall's house, which already seems incredibly crowded. Louis is scared that the neighbors will complain about the disturbance.

Liam drives around, trying to find a parking spot, and luckily he succeeds quite easily. They step out of the car and walk side by side toward the house, their eyes trailing past all the people who are outside. Louis doesn't know half of them, but he's new of course.

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