Chapter seventeen

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After Louis and Harry's encounter with Mr. and Mrs. Brown, many changes.

Harry's adoptive parents at first didn't have to be locked up until the trial, but now they have to be. The police have stated that they are too dangerous to be let out of supervision because of what happened in the parking lot.

Harry let out a sigh of relief when he heard this, suddenly having a slight smile on his face again. Louis is glad to see Harry being his old self again now that the tension has eased.

However, the question that remained unanswered was how the police knew they needed help? The answer was a shock to the boys, but after thinking about it for a while it started to make sense.

So obviously, Harry and Louis were one of the last people to leave the school, so it was quiet inside as well as in the area around it. Apparently, they weren't alone though... A woman who also still had to get a lot of things done was also still around and saw rendezvous outside.

This woman is Mrs. Adams. As soon as she saw the two adults threaten two of her students, she knew that something was wrong. She immediately called the alarming number and explained the situation. Also, she filmed the interaction, so it will be great evidence against Mr. and Mrs. Brown, which is the only good thing about the whole event.

Well, it's not the only thing... Of course, Louis and Harry were now finally together, but also, Harry finally stood up for himself and for Louis. His boyfriend was the encouragement he needed to not be afraid anymore and to face his fears. And now... He's a lot more confident and less afraid to speak up. Because of this, Louis is partly glad it happened. It will give Harry the closure he needed before all the shit will end.

The trial is approaching at full speed and this terrifies Harry a lot, Louis has noticed. He, therefore, tries to comfort Harry as much as he can, not a hard thing to do luckily because they're together basically the whole day, and it seems to help. Harry is still anxious, but with the help of all his loved ones he'll make it through.

The second performance luckily is a little less manic than the first one, so that's great. They finish the play with a banger and Louis and Harry kiss just before the curtain down to make it even better, receiving ear-deafening applause as a result.

Luckily, Harry's adoptive parents weren't there to see this so they weren't able to attack them for it, but Louis has to admit that he would have liked to see their priceless faces. It's probably for the best he didn't though.

A few days later, the trial finally arrives. Harry has had a horrible night because of his nerves and jitters, causing Louis to have a bad night of sleep too.

Louis was trying all night to soothe his boyfriend and this was hard... Really hard. Just as Harry was asleep, he would awake because of a nightmare. This led to Louis waking up too, causing him to have to repeat the whole process again.

Harry's feelings were all over the place so normally he didn't have nightmares, but now they just kept going on throughout the night. Louis can't help but worry, but something that consoles him is the fact that last night was probably the last bad night for both of them because Harry's parents would be locked up where they belong.

Now, they're sitting at the dining table having breakfast. Anne has joined the family, which is occurring more often, the whole lot of them have become a tight group. They're discussing the trial, but Louis and Harry don't participate in the conversation. Louis sees that Harry is getting more scared every second that passes, so he excuses both of them to lead Harry upstairs.

They haven't showered yet, so Louis leads them there. He hopes that this way Harry can maybe wash away all his worries and bad thoughts just before the trial. Also, he hopes he can maybe distract Harry.

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