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-I sighed putting my shoes on

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I sighed putting my shoes on. I tie them and sat up grabbing my bookbag. I grab my phone and walk out of my room.

I lived with my aunt on my moms side but she was always at work so I barely saw her. I grab a fruit snack from the table and grabbed my car keys.

I walked out and got in the car. "I have to call Jelica." I mumbled to myself. I go to messages and click on her contact calling her.

"Hello?" she answered and she sounded like she was still sleep. "Im coming to get you are you ready?" I asked and she groans.

"Girl I forgot that Kenny has a doctor's appointment today and he wants me to go. So im not gonna be at school im sorry." she said and I sighed.

"It's fine. Just let me know whatchu doin' later." I said and she hums. "Alright bye." I said and hung up.

What a great way to start the morning off. I shook my head. Then my phone rang again. I smack my lips and started my car answering it.

It was my cousin calling me.

"Hey, girl." Rayne said through that phone. "What's up?" I kept my eyes on the road.

"Me and my friend missed the bus can you come get us?" she asked. I sighed and thought about it.

"Yeah y'all at your house?" I asked. "Yeah we're outside." she said. "Alright ill be there soon."

"Okay. Bye." I hung up. I put on 'I THINK' by Tyler The Creator.

It was raining so I wasn't feeling as hyped as always. It was all gloomy.

Sooner or later I pull up to Rayne's house. I saw her and a taller boy. He was lightskin with black waves and a puffer jacket on.

They walked to the car and Rayne gets in the back. "Girl why are you in the back?" I look behind me.

"Cause I need to do my makeup again and there's not enough room up there." she said and I shook my head.

"Oh, that's LaMelo. He's in your grade." she said pulling makeup out of her bag. I look at him getting in and he smiled at me.

"Hey," I said. "Wus up." he spoke lowly. I look away and Rayne starts to talk again. "Oh yeah, Melo that's my cousin Jeneah." she said and he looks at me again and nods.

"How old are you?" he asked while I drove. "17. You?" I asked him. "Me too." he said.

"That's dope." I said and he just nodded his head. I pull up to the school and park. LaMelo gets out and damn near slammed my door.

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