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-I sat with Gelo

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I sat with Gelo. I was with Melo but Ashley took him somewhere. "I like this flower." I said pulling it off Gelo.

"My pops would be pissed if he knew I was here." he sighed looking at me. "Why?" I asked messing with the flower.

"Cause im 20 years old taking a 17-year-old to prom." he seemed like he was guilty about it.

"Gelo you didn't have to take me. I could've just went alone." I said and he shook his head. "I felt bad." he sighed.

"Nigga go home with yo girl. I know she misses you." I said and he smiled. "I do miss her." he said.

"Mmhm and that's my best friend so go be with her instead of me." I put the flower back.

"You sure?" he asked. "Positive." I said. "Call me or text me if you need a ride back. I'll even bring Izz." he said and I laughed.

"Okay, Gelo. Be safe." I hug him. "I will. You be safe too." he grabs his stuff and I sat back down.

He left and now I looked like a bum sitting alone. "Your date leave you?" I look up and it was Ashley.

Only Ashley.

"Where the fuck yours?" I asked. "He's over there getting a drink." I look at her dress and I started to laugh.

Ashley grew up rich and still managed to get a basic ass dress. If I were her id pop out with a big-ass dress. But then again she didn't like big dresses.

"Your boobs look like they're gonna fall out. I knew you'd pick a hoe ass dress." she laughed and I stood up.

"Why you think you can just fucking talk to me like that?" I cracked my knuckles.

"Okay. Hey guys." Jelica came over with Rayne. Ashley looked at us and she grew red.

"Ashley go somewhere." Jelica crossed her arms. She looked at us and walked away. I look over at Melo and he was coming to me.

"Slow dancing is soon so- wheres Gelo?" Rayne asked. "He left. I told him he could." I said.

"Who you gone dance with?" Melo asked sitting down. "I don't know I'll just watch y'all or something." I shrug.

"Bitch this is prom, not some fucking hang out. Yo ass better dance." Jelica picked her dress up walking away with Rayne.

"You look good." Melo smiled. I look at him and smiled too. "You look good too." I said and he smiled even more.

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