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-I didn't go to school

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I didn't go to school. I laid in my bed fucked all the way up. My lip was busted and I had a few scratches on my face.

It made me mad knowing I let that bitch beat my ass but then again she had her backup cause she's too much of a pussy ass nigga to fight me herself.

I got a text from Melo.

My light work👎🏽🤎

Melo: where you at?
You okay?

Me: Melo you gotta do something about Ashley.
Or I will.

Melo: why?
What happened Jen?

Me: if I pick you up from school will you come back to mine?

Melo: yeah come get me.

Me: okay.

I got up and put on something random. This bitch Ashley got me fuck up. I ain't giving up. Mama ain't raise a bitch.

I ain't even fighting over this nigga Melo. In fighting cause Ashley need her ass ass beat.
I waited for Melo to come outside. I see him walk out and he looked nice today. I smiled as he got to the car.

He puts his bags in the back and got in. "God damn. What happened Jen?" he touched my cheek.

"Ashley Melo. I'm telling you she's fucking crazy." he scans my face more and I pulled my lip down.

His eyes widened.

"Ou baby it's bleeding." he said and he grabbed a rag out of his bag. "Woah what the fuck? Why do you carry a rag?" I asked.

"It's clean I usually use it for sweat but I didn't practice today." he said and held it on my lip.

"Ouch!" I smack his wrist. "Im sorry." he pulled away. "Just hold it down. I don't want it to bleed everywhere." Melo sighed sitting back.

I held the rag on my lips and I drove us back to my house.
Me and Melo were laying down watching tv. My lip stopped bleeding. "How yo lip feel?" Melo looks at me.

"Better." I said. "Lemme see." Melo sat up and I did too. I pull my lip down. "Good thing it ain't a gash or anything." he said and I nod.

"You can't let her affect you though." Melo put his hand on my waist. "Im trying not to." I said groaning.

"Come here." he pulled me closer to him. He kisses me and I kiss him back. He lays me down on my back and he moved to my neck.

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