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-I was at lunch and I didn't say anything at all

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I was at lunch and I didn't say anything at all. I was just thinking about what happened on Saturday.

Melo hasn't talked to me since or even looked at me. "Bitch are you okay?" Jelica asked and I look at her.

I fake smile. "Yeah im good. I'm just tired." I said and she nods. "You sure gang?" James asked looking at me.

"Im sure." I said and they all rub it off. I look over and Ashley and Melo are all over each other.

I thought she wasn't his responsibility anymore?

I sat up and walked out of the lunchroom. I'm just pissed on why he would just leave me like that.

Then continued to lie him and Ashley weren't together anymore. Now I feel guilty.

I go to my locker and grab all my shit. I walked to the office and made a fake message between me and my aunt so I could go home.

I showed the office lady and she nods signing me out. "Oh wait Jeneah." I hear Mrs. Honey.

I turn around and she smiles. "Honey are you okay?" I nod. "Just boy stuff." I said and she frowns.

"Tell me who it is." she said. "Come to my class before you leave." she said and we started walking.

I told her some stuff but kept the detailed stuff out. "So LaMelo?" she smirks.

"Yeah." I laughed. "He's a nice boy. Now it may seem like he's not but he has a pure heart. He's a little hard-headed though." we laughed.

"Thank you, Mrs. Honey. For talking to me." I said and she nods. "Anything. You know your mom would love to talk about boys." she laughed.

"Really?" I laughed too. "Oh, baby that's all she would ever talk about. When she was with your father she was head over heels." she shook her head grading papers.

"I miss them." I put my head down. "I do too lovely." she hugs me. "They're watching over you. I know they're proud Jeneah." she rubs my back.

I sighed and got up. "Thank Mrs. Honey." I said and she smiles. "Be safe darling." she waved and I wave back walking out of the classroom.

I was walking to my car getting ready to leave. "Fuck. I forgot my phone." I groan and lunch was still going so I decided to just run in there.

I walk in and the first person to look at me was Melo. I look away and continue to walk. "Where you going?" Rayne asked.

"Im going home." I said and walked away. I made it back out of the hall and I could hear someone behind me.

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