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-"Yes bitch we out this bitch!" Rayne laughed walking into the school

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"Yes bitch we out this bitch!" Rayne laughed walking into the school. "Finally nigga. I can get away from y'all." Kenny laughed.

"Nigga don't get dropped." Melo laughed and I did too. "No, y'all need to calm down." Jelica smiled. "Aye, this year was the fucking year." James clapped his hands.

"On my fucking soul." Melo smiled looking at me. "Baby why you look sad?" he asked.

"Cause this means you leaving soon." I mumbled. "I ain't gone forget about you. I'll fly down here and shit. You know that." He looked at me.

"No sad shit y'all. We graduated. This is our year." Kenny said putting his arm on Melo.

"Yeah, baby." Melo smiled and I did too.

"Sorry to interrupt. All seniors report to the gym please thank you." the principal said through the speakers.

We all walked to the gym. "Dont we get out early?" Melo asked. "Yeah, we get out after lunch." Kenny said.

We see all the seniors and there were people giving others their gowns and hats.

"Aye, this line is shorter." James said and we follow him. "So what's the plan over the summer?" Jelica asked.

"Just to all hangout. Go out and shit." I said and she nods. "We can go to six flags." Rayne smiles.

"You wanna get me killed?" I look at her and they all laughed. "Girl you still scared of that shit?" Jelica laughed.

"Hell is hot." is all I said and they laughed again. I look at Melo and he was on his phone.

I sighed and laid my head on him. He puts his phone away and put his hand on my head.

"What's up baby?" he kisses me. "Tired." I said wrapping my arms around him. "We get to go home in like 3-4 hours. It's okay." he laughed.

"Too long." I groan. "Man get up it's your turn." he laughed and I went up to get my gown.
"We out this bitch!" Kenny yelled opening the doors. "Nigga we run this shit now." James laughed.

"YEAHH!" Melo yelled. "Yall need to stop cause no." Rayne laughed as we all walked to the car.

"Yall just mad." Melo laughed. "Boy, you do realize y'all hyper as fuck?" Jelica mugs getting in the car.

"Exactly." I said.

"3 haters against 3 happy people. Check." Kenny said starting the car. "Drive before I slap you!" Jelica laughed.

"You know I gotta pack next week?" Melo said looking at me. I didn't look at him. "Mmhm." I just looked at my phone.

"Jen look at me." he takes my phone and I rolled my eyes looking at him. "Don't roll yo eyes either." he said lowly.

"We gone spend this whole week together. I promise. And in a month or two im coming back home but then I gotta go again." he said lowly.

"I can handle long distance Jeneah." he slouched. "I'm not mad. I'm just frustrated." I said.

"Why you frustrated?" he rubs my thigh. "Cause I know we're not going to see each other as much anymore if you're going back to back." I look at him.

"I promise we gone stay together." he kissed me. "Okay." I hum and we were going to Kenny's house.
"3.2.1!" I yelled jumping in the pool with Jelica and Rayne.

I laughed coming back up to the top. "Dude I slapped my back in the water." Jelica laughed.

"Bitch I could hear it from u underwater." Rayne said. "Aye, we done with the food y'all." James said.

"Okay!" we all said at the same time. "Great minds think alike." I said laughing.

We grab our towels and walk back inside. "Kenny you need to turn that hot tub on one day." Jelica said.

"Yeah like what?" Rayne mugs. "Yall not gone sit here and disrespect me." Kenny laughed.

"Where Melo?" I asked. "In the basement with James." Kenny said I nodded going to the basement.

"Meloo." I peek my head around the corner. "Ew big head in here." James rolled his eyes.

"Nigga move along." I laughed and so did Melo. James went upstairs. "You have fun swimming?" he asked and I nod.

"Yeah it was okay." I smiled and sat on his lap. "Yeah?" he put his hands under my towel.

"Mmhm." I hum and kiss him.

He kissed me back. "Get off before we do something on this couch." he laughed. "You're lucky im hungry." I said.

"Aye, I gotchu later baby don't trip."
"Nah cause he's a opp." James shook his head. "Nigga RJ been a opp since he was born." Kenny scuffed.

"RJ? The lightskin nigga or the dark one?" Melo asked. "Lightskin." Kenny said and Melo looks at me.

"What?" I mouthed. He shook his head. "I need my nails done." Rayne frowns. "Girl me fucking too." Jelica sighed.

"Me three." I said and we laughed. Melo's been on his phone a shit tone lately.

I haven't paid attention because it wasn't anything new but this is the first time in a while he's been on his phone the way he is.

He's probably just texting about his basketball shit. I shrug and continue to talk to the girls.

this book almost over ..finally 😐.
anyway y'all i hope y'all summer goin good n shit yfm if you off school yet and if you not...then...uh...have fun 😭.


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