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-"Melo stop

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"Melo stop." I whined hugging him. "Baby c'mon I gotta get ready. My flight soon." he laughed.

"Nigga no." I mumbled. He laughed and turned around hugging me. "Just help me fold these clothes and ill spend 20-30 minutes with you." he said.

"Fine." I sighed and we started folding his clothes. "You have fun yesterday?" I asked him. "Yeah, it was cool." he smiles.

"Son, you almost ready?" Lavar came in. "Yeah, I just have to fold these clothes." Melo said grabbing more things.

"Guys I have a question." I said and they both look at me. "What's up?" Lavar sat on the bed.

"My aunt doesn't like me still. Like whatsoever. She's removed me from everything and changed her number. I would go there but I don't think she wants me there." I sighed.

"And I don't know where to go." I added. "We can make a deal." Lavar spoke and I look at him.

"If you help Tina around the house or anything in general you can stay. Lonzo and Gelo will be here and im sure Gelo will be here most along with Dmo. You can stay in here if you need." he said.

I smiled and Melo nods. "You sure?" I asked. "Yes of course and until you get back up on your feet we're all here for you. Well, either way, we are." he laughed and I did too.

"Thank you, Lavar." I smiled.

"I'm done." Melo said closing his suitcase. "Well, son you have about half an hour until we leave. I'll give you time to spend." Lavar walks out and closed the door.

"I don't wanna leave." Melo sighed. "Tell me about it." I smack my lips and sat on the bed.

Melo gets on the bed and lays down. "Come here." he pulls my hand. Not hard tho.

I lay on him and kiss him. His hands rest on my back and we continue to kiss. I hum and sat up on his lap.

Melo sits up too and we started kissing again. I pull away and started kissing his neck. "Mmhm." he hums and his hands go up my shirt.

I suck on his neck and I've never done that but shit he seemed to like it the way he was grabbing on my waist.

I pull away and Melo lays me on my back. He bit his lip pulling my shorts down.

It's about to go down.

Wise words from Kevin Hart.
"I love you. Melo kisses me. I kiss him back. "I love you more." we hug again. Melo was leaving for the airport.

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