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-"Melo come on you the leader and you ain't even up

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"Melo come on you the leader and you ain't even up." My teammates laughed. When I tell you I wanted to quit this shit I mean it.

All this tour shit has me exhausted.

"Yeah." I ignore them and stayed in the same spot. I sighed as everyone was getting ready for practice.

I miss my school. I miss Jeneah. Shit we've barely been talking cause of my basketball shit.

I didn't wanna quit basketball but tour? Yeah.
I was at practice and I sat down stressed as fuck. I watched everyone practice. "Son come here!" I heard my dad.

I groan and get up.

"Yeah?" I walked to him. "Why you just sitting there?" he asked and I shrug. "Just tired." I said and he nods.

"Go play boy we got a game soon." he spoke. I sighed and went to go practice. Nigga I was playing like I didn't know shit about basketball.

-"A+" Mrs

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"A+" Mrs. Honey smiled giving me my paper. I smiled knowing I was making progress over the months.

I'm still thinking about Melo though. Rayne moved back to her hometown. So now it's just me, jelica, Kenny and James.

Ashley was still on my ass. I almost punched her ass yesterday. Got in my face yelling about Melo. All I did was laugh.

The bell rang and I grab my bag and stuff. "We going to the rink later right?" Jelica asked walking with me.

"Yup." I nodded and we waited for Kenny and James to come out of class. "Aye, y'all ready to get ya asses beat in the rink today?" Kenny laughed.

"Nigga you suck. You came in 3rd last time and I was first." James shook his head. "Nigga them white people are crazy. I was for sure 1st place." Kenny smiled.

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