Chapter 24

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Which, Hanagaki Takemichi was able to withstand the virus.


"CHOJI! Stop the vehicle right now!" Mikey yelled as he pounded the thin metal partition separating them from the driver's compartment.

After the abrupt break, it came to a standstill, causing a number of them to sway to the front side of the vehicle. A loud clanking sound echoed within as Choji opened the door for them, which could only be opened from the other side.

"What the hell, Mikey?" Choji exclaims as he watches the smaller Alpha leap off the truck. Mikey mutters, "Take us back to the village."

"What?! Are you out of your mind?!" 

In a swift, Mikey's hand was gripping Choji's shirt tightly, "Am I?! Am I?! Maybe I am because our goddamn wife is out there?!" He shouted.

"Mikey! Let's be rational about this. We're not going to resort to violence," Draken heeded as he smelled the number of dominant pheromones Mikey was releasing. If Mikey was on a rampage, only Takemichi or Draken would be able to tame him down.

"Choji, why the heck did you drive away?" Chifuyu inquires as he steps in front of the group, putting the others at ease.

"I was following orders." He hissed as he pushed Mikey's hands off of him.

"Orders?! Whether Takemichi is your commander or not, you don't have to forget your humanity once he gives you the order!" Izana protests as he pushed his way out of the crowd only to be held back by Kakucho.

Choji curled his fists in despair as he said, "I care about him as much as you do! But— But He's...bit—"

"He's bitten."

This time all eyes were on Sanzu as if he just spoke nonsense. They never saw Sanzu as vulnerable as today despite most of his brain cells flying with the angels, he was still a logical person and would pay heed to everything that was happening. And he would never lie especially if it's about Takemichi.  

But the look he gave everyone was a little unsettling, especially given what he stated was going to haunt all their life.

"What?" Rindou was the first to voice out, the look of disbelief in his eyes.

"He's bitten! DO I have to repeat that!" He yelled out in frustration.

"Then why did you not say anything?!" 

"I only saw it the moment Choji drove away! What do you want me to do?!" Yell after Yell. At this point, the argument wasn't even an argument. 

They were chewing on each other's insults as the rest of the group decided to stand on the sidelines and watch, unable to restrain a pack of irresponsible Alphas. The pheromones weren't helping either, as they simply caused the others to avoid the group as much as possible in order to avoid the Omegas' distress.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves!" 

Emma stood up from the rest as he pointed at each one of them, "Do you really think arguing is going to get us somewhere?!" She added.

𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 || Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now