Chapter 13: Meeting Kaidou Properly

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Iceyko's POV
Monday, Saiki is still a little wary of me but mostly let's the ordeal go for now. I was walking behind him like usual to school, from a distance of course. When Kaidou comes along. Usually he like Nendou just goes over to Saiki and talks to him.

Today, he walked straight up to me and walks next to me. Hell even Saiki was surprised by this action.

What is he doing?

"Your the new kid right?" He asks, I nod in response.

"Your hair is really cool." He says.

Right and what does this have to do with anything?

"Thanks. Those red bandage things on your hands are cool too." I comment, knowing that he 'uses them' to contain his 'powers'.

Man, if only that was true. Then I wouldn't feel so lone, while trying not to get involved with Saiki.

"You think? They are actually to contain my power, while dark reunion isn't around." He says a little excited.

Damn it, why is he giving me Denki's and Midoriya's cute energy?

"Dark reunion? What do they do?" I question as I try to hide and get rid of the slight blush appearing on my cheeks by turning away a little. While doing this I noticed Saiki staring.

Please, just please don't let him have some stupid thing for me, right now.

"They're an evil force out to take over the world." He starts.

"From the shadows like most villains nowadays. Kind of like LOV." I say before my eyes widened in realisation.

And he is listening in too.

"LOV is that another evil organisation?" Kaidou asks.

Just play along.

"Yeah, they are really evil." I act, like I'm introducing my own villain group to his fantasy thing.

Even though they are just broken, in their own ways by society, in reality. Maybe, I can make him understand that view point, while I'm here.

"Really?! What do they want?" He asks interested.

"To change the world and cause chaos." I answer serious.

"To change the world?" He questions.

"Yeah, the world doesn't accept them, so they're trying to make it accept them." I say as we enter the school building.

"That doesn't sound very evil." He points out.

"That's because you're currently only looking at their goal and part of their drive. It's the way they go about it, that gets them classified as villains. Killing people, stealing, the usual criminal activity. Though, you always have to remember they are still human and their pasts are usually thing that caused them to go down this road." I explain, as we near our classroom.

He kind of just looked a little taken back from the amount of thought I've had on this topic. "It's almost as if you know from experience." He comments.

If only you knew.

"Yeah, weird. I guess I just put a lot of thought into things, when creating a story. The more realistic, the more relatable" I say before waving goodbye and sitting in my seat.

I feel almost like a bit of weight has been taken off my shoulders. I guess I should do that a little more often.

"Morning Shi." Teruhashi greets.

"Morning." I reply politely and turn back to the front. With that the day starts.

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