Chapter 20: I'm Back?

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Iceyko's POV
I fall face first on to the ground.

Huh? Carpet rug? It almost looks like...

"Eve take me back, right now." I demand.

"I'm afraid, I can't do that. You have 3 hours here. Use them wisely."

Sometimes I really. Hell when did I ever like her.

I get up and look around to find it was indeed, what I thought, my UA dorm room.

We can do this. Just avoid them and then neither of us will have to deal with the pain of good bye again.

"That isn't going to happen."

"What did you do?" I inquire concerned.

I receive no response from her but rather see a portal open in my room.

No, nope. She can't see me now.

I freak out a bit and running and sliding under my bed to hide.

"Someone's here. Icy, if you're here I'm going to need you to come out now." My twin sister states after coming through her portal.

"I would rather not, I think I'll just stay here." I mutter to myself, before reluctantly getting out from under my bed and sit on top of it, with my arms out.

She quickly runs over and gives me a hug, before whacking me on my right arm. "Ow." I say in a little bit of pain.

"What took you so long?" She demands me answer her.

"For your information, I'm not done there and this is just some cruel sick joke for the both of us. I have 3 hours before I'm dragged back there." I explain.

"Back? You have to leave again?!" She questions quite disappointed and sad.

"See, now you know why I was hiding." I state.

"Good thing I didn't tell anyone else then." She says.

"Yeah, good thing." I say and we fall into silence.

"Hey, Um. How long?" I ask.

"We'll start our second year in 2 months." She answers.

"I guess we'll just have to hope that I return before that starts then." I say, with a sad smile.

"Yeah." She responds with a similar energy.

We sit there for a while before I get bored and grab my Nintendo switch from my bed side table, loading the Minecraft world.

Emiko notices this and suddenly grabs it away from me, "Hey?! Why are you..?" I start before looking at her.

My gaze darkens as I ask, "Who?"

"Who? I have no idea, what you are talking about?" She says getting a bit nervous and keeping the device out of my reach.

EK- She'll kill him if she finds out and probably anyone else involved. Though, they are the ones who did it. It was Mineta.

"Right, hand over the device." I state and hold my hand out.

"Why?" She asks as she does hand it over.

"I need to know the extent of the damage, so I give an appropriate punishment." I answer as I load the server world.

I look to find a quarter of my castle/mansion mega base above the ground had behind blown to smithereens. At this point, all those involved are just lucky that it didn't reach my underground vault system.

By now, most of my hair had turned white and a cold breeze was taking over the room.

EK- I'm so glad I had nothing to do with it.

I stand up, open my door and walk straight to the common area, taking my time with the stairs, silently fuming.

The common room had a few people in it and the ones I knew who would know what I wished to know.

Now if they had forgotten what it was like to have an angry me around, they were very much reminded as once I reached the bottom of the stairs. The cold breeze quickly engulfed the area.

Their heads all turn towards me, as shock, happiness and soon fear sets in.

"Who?" I start darkly, walking into the lounge area, "Who let him on the server?"

Denki was the first to reach finding, letting me know that he was the one.

"Such a shame, I quite liked you, Kami. I guess it can't be helped now." I say coldly.

Mineta by this stage was frozen in fear and ice, which I didn't realise that I had engulfed him in but I was going to do it anyway. Denki, he had somehow been thrown to the ceiling and frozen there.

"Dang, my quirk took over and had all the fun." I state a little disappointed, as my hair becomes a little less white.

"Alright that's enough, Crimson." Baking says, daring to walk close to me.

"You know, I've been gone for what, a month or maybe more and you numb skulls didn't think to try to rebuild it." I say, express more of my anger.

"We did, that's just all we completed." Denki admits, causing me hair to almost turn fully white.

"There Was More Damage!" I state darkly.

By this point Bakugou had just completely backed off and basically gone, 'yeah, you're on your own on this.'

This poor souls were rescued as Midoriya, walked up to me, picks me up and walked me out of the room.

"Hey, I'm not finished with them!" I exclaim as he takes me back to my room.

Before he grabbed me, I had caused Denki to fall to the ground, unfrozen Mineta only to hail snowballs at him.

By this point most of my 3 hours were up, meaning that upon returning to my room I might be sucked straight into a portal.

"I guess the war didn't really happen then and I stuck going back to that reality for nothing." I say sadly, not really expecting a response.

"It didn't really, though do you really have to go back?" He asks softly.

"I don't have a choice in the matter, just like at the start of it. You know, it's almost strange, I've been barely gone more than 2 months here and yet it's been a bit over three years, for me." I comment.

He looks at me, I could tell he wanted some way to take all of this away and set me free from this reality forced jump, placed upon me.

Though before he could say or do anything, the portal appeared and took me away.

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