The memory gap

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"And that, takes care of that." Dwight said closing the door. He smiled at everyone while wiping his hands together.

"Yes, princess so smart with your... diplomacy." Baldric said proudly nodding towards her.

"Why thank you Baldric." Gretta said.

"So, we have Jacopo out as a bad guy, that just leaves..." Dwight thought a moment.

"Fairies" said Gretta.

"Trolls" Noted Hexala.

"Orcs and Ogres" said Chlodwig.

"Vargel" Dwight said.

"Varger" Gretta corrected.

"Aw man, that poor demon dog." Dwight said dejected.

"Sir Aldred" Baldrick said as they all froze for a moment.

"That guy sucked, do we really have to fight him again?" Dwight complained

"Yes, we do." Baldric replied.

"I'm not looking forward to that, at all." Dwight moaned, waving his arms in a 'no way' gesture.

"Nor I." Stated Gretta. Chlodwig nodded his head quickly in agreement.

"I am." Said Hexala. Baldric tried to hide his distaste, but he gave out a small harrumph.

"Guys come on, remember, we did make friends. Not everyone is out there to.."Dwight stalled looking at the door. "Well, you know."

"Yes, this is all going to be a gargantuan task." Baldric said.

"But we just have to do everything we did last time, don't we?" asked Dwight.

"For some, possibly yes. Things might not all happen the exact way they did before." Baldric stated as he picked up one of his spell books and opened it on the table. "We all awoke to find everything we had done prior to our recent arrival has been undone. The chain of events that made things turn out in one way, may not be available to us this time."

"Can we skip Gretta falling in love with Todd the paperboy, and women in my life turning into goats?" Asked Dwight.

Hexala looked at Dwight, appalled at his comment. "Sir Dwight! It is not my fault that lip gloss had a side effect of goatness!"

"I ate a pizza box Hexala!" Retorted Gretta.

"Yes, well, some carbs won't bother you that much with your metabolism." Hexala mused. Gretta scoffed at her words. "Oh! Look at the time!" She exclaimed, looking at her watch.

"What are you in a rush for?" Dwight asked Hexala

"My salon, I have to get it set up for opening day tomorrow." Hexala said, grabbing her handbag and heading towards the door. Baldric quick footed behind her, meeting her before she made her departure.

"Would you like me to accompany you, madam?" Baldric asked.

Hexala pursed her lips and pinched Baldric's cheek "Of course you can! I don't mind a heavy lifter! Just stay out of the customer service part."

"At least I tried last time."Baldric pouted.

"Yes, you are very trying" Mused Hexala caressing his beard.

"Erm, your highness, we must depart. We will return shortly."Baldric assured.

"Of course, I wish you good luck." Said Gretta

"Are you sure you will be alright while we are gone?" asked Baldric

"We will be fine Baldric. I have my champion and Chlodwig to keep me safe."Gretta said, smiling at both of her brave knights.

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