Light years away

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Dwight was on his bed looking at the calendar attached to his wall and gap book. He was trying to tie in dates together. He looked at the Alabaster root from time to time, contemplating if it was worth remembering everything he had forgotten. He pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand in frustration. He decided it was best to focus on the carnival for the time being.

He looked at his phone and went into his planner to see what all he still had to do with the carnival for the following week. He needed to pick up the balloons and helium tanks. He'd need to call a few places to make sure they were confirmed to set up the night before for the rides. Zeke was assigned to help with the school paper, covering the carnival. Dwight would be too busy making sure everything would be going according to plan and on schedule. Adding the usual things he had to do throughout the week, It would be a busy time for him. Not including, remembering things as is.

The doorbell rang and he jumped up and went downstairs to answer the door. He opened it to find Gretta there.

"Hey!" He said, surprised. "Is everything okay?"

"You hadn't come by. I was concerned, since you obtained the Alabaster root you needed. I wanted to be sure you were alright." Gretta said.

"Aw! No, I'm fine. I was just working on some of the schedule for the carnival for Saturday." He said.

"How goes the planning?" She asked.

"Seems to be going well, actually. Just trying to match things up between others and my gap book so I haven't missed anything."

"Can I see?" She asked.

"Uh..yeah!" He said pointing behind him inside the door. Dwight went up the steps and Gretta entered the house, following after him. She followed him to the threshold of his room and stopped. He sat down on his bed, starting to collect things along with his gap book. He suddenly noticed Gretta at the door frame and stood back up.

"Oh! You didn't need to follow me!" He said, feeling a bit sheepish. "I could've just brought things to you downstairs."

"It's quite alright." Gretta said. "So, this is your chambers..." she trailed as she looked around, taking in all the details of his room for the first time.

"Uh.. yeah.." He said, thankful that he had a clean room. "Why?"

"I was curious how it looked." She said shrugging. "You did have Emily in here, so I just assumed-"

"-How did.. you know that?" Dwight asked, trying to mask his panic, but failing miserably.

"Chlodwig told me, he was hunting squirrels and saw you in the window with her." She said.

"O-oh." He said.

"Why was she in your chambers Sir Dwight?" She asked.

"She wanted to see my award." Dwight said quickly and to the point. He put his gap book, still open with the carnival checklist down on the bedside table. He picked up the award that he showed Emily the night before. "The gap me must've told her about it, and I couldn't remember where it was. I took too long for her I guess, so she just came up to see what was going on."

"Oh." She said, giving off an impression of relief more than anything. Dwight was wondering what she meant. It annoyed him how he recently had started reading into things more than usual with her. He wanted to ask, but wasn't sure if it was the best thing to do.

"I'll grab everything and bring it downstairs." Dwight said. "It should only take a minute or two."

"No, that's quite alright." she said as she walked over the threshold. "Besides, you've already had a mistress in your chamber."

Start again A Dwight in shining armor fanficWhere stories live. Discover now