Bending rules and breaking customs

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Dwight was in his bedroom, placing pictures from his date with Gretta at the bowling alley on a blank page of his scrapbook. Looking through his sheets of different stickers, he hoped to find something bowling themed to use. He had just placed a few stickers involving swirly neon colors on the sides, when he heard the door bell ring. He got up from his seat and raced downstairs, hearing the sounds of Nana's sewing machine in one of the other rooms down the hallway.

"I got it!" he yelled, hoping Nana would hear him. Opening the front door, he found Gretta standing there, wearing her usual medieval garb. She wore a white blouse that had drawstrings on the arms. The sleeves were shortened to her elbows with the strings pulled and tied into messy bows at the cuffs. A black corset wrapped around her midsection, and her black leather battle skirt draped down to just above the knee of her black pants. Her hair was tied back into a big braid that slung down over one of her shoulders. It was a relief to see her in the clothes Dwight normally saw her wear. He wasn't sure if his heart could take two days in a row looking the way she did last night.

"Oh, hey!" Dwight said, opening the door wider a second later to allow her inside. "Come on in."

As she entered, her attention turned towards the machine heard coming from another room. Dwight closed the front door, leaning his back against it. He watched as Gretta turned back towards him and closed the distance between them. With his hands behind him, he drummed away at the door with his fingers. Absent-mindedly, he was playing the percussion part of the song that had been in his head from seeing her in her new clothes from last night. He was distracted by the smile on her face for a minute longer than he'd planned before they were slowly leaning in towards each other.

"Who was it?" Nana's voice called, breaking Dwight's focus on Gretta for the moment. The sounds of Nana's sewing machine had stopped, waiting for his reply.

"It's just Gretta." he said loudly so Nana could hear. "Nana's working on some projects on her sewing machine." Dwight explained to Gretta as he awkwardly pointed down the hallway.

"Ah." Gretta said, hearing the sound start again. "Is there a place we can talk that is less noisy and more private?"

"Yeah, yeah, Sure!" Dwight walked past her and down the hall. His hands held onto the sides of the door frame as he leaned forward into the room where Nana was. "Hey, Nana? We're going up to my room, okay?"

"Okay." Nana said to Dwight. He motioned for Gretta to follow him as he went upstairs, leaving her not far behind.

This time, Dwight hadn't felt the uneasiness he did normally with Gretta in his room. Instead, the feeling was replaced with panic, remembering the scrapbook had been left out. In one fluid motion, he took the book off the table, closed it, and placed it on a shelf in the closet. The closet door was just closing as Gretta's foot had just stepped over the threshold. Thankful that the book was already stowed away, Dwight let out a breath of relief. She surveyed his room in a glance until she focused on one of his shelves on his book case again. This time, it was all of the awards on the top shelf. Some were small plaques, some were small trophies in silver. One trophy had a gold medal on a ribbon hung around it. A lot of them had the years engraved 2014, 2015, and 2016 on them. She turned around to find Dwight not far from her. With his arms outstretched, he held her sword in both hands.

"I believe this belongs to you." he said.

"Aha!" Gretta said as she took the scabbard from his grasp. She pulled the sword out to examine it closely. Turning it in her hand, she checked it over. The sun coming through the window into Dwight's room reflected against the sword, making the light dance along his walls. The fragments of light disappeared when she sheathed the sword back into it's holder and wrapped the belt around it.

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