The cancelled date with sugar on top

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Dwight was looking in the bathroom mirror preparing for his date with Gretta. He stood there fixing his hair and making sure he smelled nice, giving himself a once over in his clothes he chose to wear for the day. He was wearing a green and blue plaid buttoned up long sleeve shirt with a gray tee shirt underneath with blue jeans and sneakers. As he took a last look in the mirror, he popped the collar and tried to look cool. Within moments, he shook his head and fixed it to look presentable as popped collar was definitely not his style.

They planned to spend the whole day together having a picnic, followed by getting smoothies at the mall. The spring farmer's market was open that day, so Dwight decided to stop there to get food to prepare for their picnic. He went into the downstairs closet, grabbing Nana's woven picnic basket and was off to the farmer's market. Dwight was humming as he walked along the road before noticing Bill at the first stall at the entrance.

"Hey there Dwight!" said Bill, one of the older gentlemen running the fruit stall.

"Hey Bill!" Dwight said, looking through the fruit at his stall. Dwight picked up a few plums, thinking of Gretta the first day they met. "I think I'll take a few of these." He said, pulling out his wallet from his jeans pocket and handing money over to Bill.

"Planning a picnic?" asked Bill pointing to his picnic basket around one of his forearms.

"Yeah, I've got a date." Dwight said excitedly. He felt a bit more content talking with people like Bill, knowing he'd be safe from all the prying.

"Oh ho ho!" Bill said. "Well have fun on your picnic date!"

Dwight made his way through the farmer's market picking up some fruit, cheese, eggs, and some vegetables to make a salad for the picnic. He picked up some small cake slices and pies to satisfy Gretta's sweet tooth, grabbing a few more just to be sure he had enough. He walked over to the flower stall and found some bouquets that weren't overly fancy or extravagant that he liked. He decided on a small bouquet of yellow Daisies and orange Tulips, bunched together with a pink bow.

Dwight had to get back to prepare everything for the picnic so he couldn't stay and chat with all the stall holders like he normally would. He was humming away, heading back home in almost a better mood than when he'd arrived. He wasn't sure if it had to do with attempting to make up for all the stress at school from before, or if he just liked having dates with Gretta in general. Either way, he was happy they could plan something not as extravagant as a dance, but something nice for both of them.

When he arrived back home, he put some music on while he was preparing the salads. He was singing away to the lyrics as he hard boiled the eggs, chopped the greens, tomatoes, and fresh peppers. He made a nice homemade dressing that was sweet and tangy with honey and mustard. He poured the dressing into a small mason jar and packed the salads in reusable containers. He placed everything in the basket along with some cutlery from the cutlery drawer and a few bottles of water. As he hooked the basket around his arm, Dwight checked himself over one more time before grabbing the flowers and heading to Gretta's.

He hummed a little tune as he crossed the moat with a sideways slide across and hopped off the bridge. He was just a step away from her door, when he heard something like a soft twinkling around him. He looked around, a bit paranoid until all he could hear were the normal sounds of lawn mowers and sprinkler systems on during that time of day. As he reached for the front door to Gretta's house, a sparkly red light flew into his face.

OH no no no no no, he thought. With the picnic basket around his forearm, he tried to swipe at the fairy a few times to get it away from him. Dwight opened the door quickly with one hand and covered his ears, running inside and closing the door quickly behind him with his foot. He gave out an exasperated sigh, hoping he had escaped the fairy. He placed the basket down at the front door along with the flowers.

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