The Non-date

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The following Friday had arrived, and Dwight felt a bit uneasy. He had a few plans today, some of them, he looked forward to more than others. Gretta hadn't been at school again. At first, he worried knowing that she had knowledge of his outing with Emily that day. As he thought more about it, he doubted her absence of school was due to that. He didn't receive a bat signal, so he assumed she had slept in. When Dwight arrived back home from school, he looked at the notebook Nana gave him. It was to fill in the lost gaps of the last 2 years. He decided it was best to add to it as he went along, writing info he had gotten from not only his phone but from other people.

He had a reminder in his phone about seeing Emily today at 5, and he had to organize more about the carnival coming up in the following week. He just had to shower to get ready for his non date. For a time, he even questioned showering. He didn't know, honestly what would cross the line. He didn't know exactly how well gap Dwight had handled being around Emily. He hoped it was just them hanging out as friends, at least in his mind. The doorbell rang and Dwight opened the door to find Gretta and Baldric with urgency on their faces.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Dwight asked as they entered the house.

"Sir Dwight-" Started Baldric but was interrupted by Gretta, walking over and picking up a paper from the coffee table.

"Is that your test from science?" Gretta looked it over then showed it to Baldric. It had a 100% and an A on it.

"Well done, sir Dwight!" Said Baldric breathing in, trying to get back to what he was trying to say.

"Well thanks, I did study." Said Dwight, eyeing Gretta. Baldric closed his mouth again, temporarily yielding to their conversation.

"Did you acquire my test?" asked Gretta.

"Uh, yeah." He said going into his backpack on the side of the couch. He pulled out her paper and handed it to her. "Here you go." He winced as her eyes grew wide, staring at her grade.

"A C!" She exclaimed annoyed.

"Well, if you studied the notes I gave you more.." Dwight started. He stopped mid sentence and scolded Gretta with his finger "And where were you this morning? You know you've really gotta stop doing that."

"Pardon?" Gretta said. The scolding surprised her a bit. It had been early days for her return to school, and missing some at the start probably wasn't the best. Especially, since she had to enroll so late in the school year.

"You missed school today. Again. I can only cover for you so much. At least, not for good reason." Said Dwight.

"This was for good reason." Stated Gretta.

"We found the Contrarian." Said Baldric, glad to get a word in.

"You did? How?" Asked Dwight surprised.

"We spent today talking to the local villagers in the woods. He had been hidden away 'til he could find a place for business." Baldric said. Dwight stood there and thought a moment, while looking down at the notebook on the table marked 'gap notes'.

"Did we.. do well in your quest for the lost gaps Sir Dwight?" Gretta asked with uncertainty.

"Yes, yes you did. For once missing school was a good thing." Dwight said excitedly, holding her hands. Gretta smiled at him and noticed Baldric watching them hold hands. She dropped her hands immediately. "Can I make an appointment with him?"

"Unfortunately no, he will not be available until Halibad procures a new swine and slosh tavern." Said Baldric

"Halibad has had some troubles procuring his residence." Gretta stated. "Something about a Liquor license?"

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