The Dragon and the Dog

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The next day, Dwight decided it was time to possibly explain everything to Nana. Dwight hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, so he made a chart listing events as well as the scrying pool. The chart was on an easel with a big drawing pad on it. Nana sat on his bed, looking at the chart with him after she woke that morning. Sitting in their pajamas, they both leaned their head to the side, attempting to understand it better.

"So let me get this straight. We knew them before?" Nana asked, pointing at the chart.


"And you kissed this girl?" She asked pointing at him.

"Again." Dwight added. "This time by choice."

"– and woke her up and now you're her champion? And we just went through all this and have to do it over?" Nana questioned.

"That about sums it up, yeah." Dwight said nervously.

"Well, it does explain why you were upset the house next door was empty." She added.

"So you believe me?" He questioned.

"Dwight honey, I've barely seen you since they moved next door. I might be older, but I've still got my brain."

"I know this is a LOT to take in all at once.." he started. Nana put her hand up to stop him.

"Dwight, you've always been a good kid. How hard you study, and do so many wonderful things for the community-" She stopped for a moment. "If it was anyone else telling me this, I'd think they'd need a visit in a psychiatric hospital. But, not you. I can tell they mean a lot to you." She smiled at him. "So hey, we have to go around again, so what? You didn't ask for this champion job the first time, but you chose it this time. You're still getting it done, your way." She reassured Dwight.

Dwight sat next to Nana with a sense of awe on his face. "Wow Nana.. you're amazing, you know that? Thank you for believing me." His words made her smile and feel a bit overwhelmed. She patted his leg.

"I know it's just been you and me kiddo. But, everything you do Dwight, I'm sure your mom and dad would've been proud of you." Dwight smiled at her. She was always the reason Dwight had been level headed with situations. She was exactly the same. "So, when do I get to know these great friends of yours properly?" She asked.

Dwight smiled. "Anytime Nana, anytime."

"So, now that you've told me about Gretta, what are you going to tell Emily?" She asked. Dwight looked at Nana confused.


"She's going to be here next Friday. You had plans to go out with her." Nana said.

"I DID?! Since when?!" Dwight asked, a bit panicked.

"A few weeks ago, don't you-" It dawned on her then. "Oh"

"The memory gap." Dwight stated slightly irritated. He pulled out his phone and looked at his calendar. He was already trying to piece things together from his past. He didn't even think about future plans that were made. Right on the next Friday line it said 'Emily' with heart emojis in front and behind her name. Dwight ran his hand through his hair in frustration, tugging at the ends before he sat down on his bed again dumbfounded.

"Oh dear. Do you need me to cover for you?"

"No, no I can't have you do that. I need to handle this myself." He said, silently cursing gap Dwight.

"Well if you need any help just let me know." Dwight thought a moment, and an idea hit him.

"There is something you can help me with." He stated. "I need to know what I've done the last few weeks, maybe even longer. Ever since all this happened, these memory gaps aren't helping. I feel like I'm getting blindsided with everything."

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