The library date

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The Woodside library was about a half hour walk away, at the end of West Park road, in its own little cul de sac. Bike racks were on either side of the main doors, and parking spaces were around the majority of it. The two floor building was quite extensive with wall to wall big wooden bookshelves full of books winding around various aisles. A few smaller rooms on the first and second floors welcomed study groups with long tables and chairs placed around them, and a colorful play area for children's story times. Just inside the entrance, there was a small display consisting of recommended popular titles from different categories. An index card sat on a small metal easel card holder next to each book, giving a short review and listing a few books that were similar. Computers were lined across a row of tables along the back side for public use with printers next to them. In random locations throughout the building, computer touchscreens were fastened to small tables to look through the Online Public Access Catalog. Sticky notes and pencils were on the tables to write out categories and locations of books. Comfortable furniture to lounge in while reading were placed in wider spaces outside of the corridors. The walls had big arrows in different rainbow colors to help direct people to various fiction and nonfiction around the building.

Gretta followed Dwight to the graphic novels section, the section he frequented the most whenever he was at the library. He looked over the titles on the spines of shelves close to eye level. Gretta noticed some of them having similar titles to the ones in Dwight's room. A lot of them had man, woman, boy, or girl in the names and many of them either had the word super or some sort of creature referenced. While he browsed, he pulled a few of them off of the shelf, starting a collection of them in his arms.

"So, what kind of books were you thinking about reading?" Dwight asked her as he skimmed along.

"I was wanting to find books of valor, and possibly.. romance?"

"Romance, huh?.." he trailed finding a Spiderman graphic novel and putting it in his pile. "Are you looking for books like Pride and Prejudice from our English lit class?"

"Yes, if that is of any help."

"Sure it is, any help is better than no help." He took her hand and squeezed it. The words he spoke and his actions comforted her in a way that made her think he was referring to more than just finding books. "Come on."

Dwight found one of the touchscreens that was closest to the literature section. He searched for Pride and Prejudice, finding the location. He wrote it down on one of the small sticky notes with a pencil, and walked past the aisles and aisles of fictional literature books, until they arrived at the matching numbers. She browsed other books of Jane Austen, reading the blurbs on the back to see if any of them interested her. She picked up Persuasion and placed it on the floor, starting her own personal pile instead of carrying the books around she'd chosen. As Gretta continued looking through the shelves, Dwight left her in the aisle and searched for other books in the database. He returned shortly after, with a book on top of the stack of graphic novels in his hands. He hadn't found her right away since in that amount of time, she had moved down another aisle, a small collection of books stacked on top of one another at her feet.

"Here's one you might like." He said, handing a book to her.

She looked at the cover, seeing a masked person wearing black, holding the hand of a woman dressed in a medieval style dress. "The Princess Bride?"

"Some scenes from the movie played on the projector at the spring fling." he mentioned. "But I know you said you'd rather read the book."

A small smile curved her lips, thinking how sweet it was that he had remembered her preference of books over movie versions. She read the blurb on the back and placed it in her arms, hugging it close to her chest. "Thank you, for your assistance, Sir Dwight."

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