Chapter 41 - Winner Winner

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Katie's P.O.V - Four Hours Later

We all won something today.
I got me a boyfriend, and a hot one, may I add!
Roxy, the promise of always having Christoph's heart.
Bonnie got the man of her dreams - Her soulmate.
Naomi got to meet the literal man of her dreams, also having chemistry with him.
Archie got to work for the NFS, his childhood dream.
Christoph got the chance to meet an idol, as well as make friends with him.
Richard got me... That is totally a win!
And Paul?

"Paul Landers is the first to cross the finish line! Wrapping up a solid 33 laps! Ladies and gentlemen, we have the winner of the Need For Speed!" The announcer called out, and we all started to scream.
We all jumped around, cheering, hugging each other, laughing and screaming, as the whole arena blew up into cheers.
The cameras showed Paul, driving around in his car, pulling into the pits. Everyone lined up, outside their garages, and clapped, as Paul drove past them, pulling in.
He climbed out his car, and was swamped by cameras, his crew, and the press.
We all stood back, smiles on all our faces, as we watched.
"This is the best day of my life!" Archie beamed, his arms around Bonnie's waist, standing to the left of us all. Roxy and Christoph were to their right, then Naomi, then me and Richard.

"How does it feel to win Need For Speed, yet again?"
"How are you feeling right now?"
"Congratulations, Paul. What do you have to say?"
"Any words to your fans?"
"What's going through your head right now?"

Paul took his helmet off, and wiped sweat from his forehead, getting a look around the garage.
His eyes landed over to us. More specifically, Naomi... He grinned, and pushed his way over.
Naomi stared at him, her eyes big, unblinking, mouth agape in shock.
His eyes never left hers, as he chucked his helmet to Archie, who caught it, not knowing what was going on, just like the rest of us.
He walked right up to our girl, and kissed her. Hands on her waist, eyes shut tight, just following his heart.
Me, Bonnie and Roxy all gasped, squealing, as Naomi gasped, but quickly kissed him back, her hands going around the back of his neck, leaning into him.
The boys all pulled us away, giving the two some privacy, as all cameras pointed to the two, the whole world watching this go down live.

I can't remember a thing after that moment, but here's what happened after...

I woke up in my bed, on my stomach. My head where my feet should be, and my feet where my head should be.
With a groan, and a headache, I lifted my head, seeing I was in my room. My clothes were on the floor, but I was wearing a black Emigrate top, that was way too big for me, and smelt like Richard... Yeah, I'm OK with this.
I looked to my left, seeing a mop of blond hair.

"Roxy?" I mumbled.
"What?" She grumbled back, with a long sigh at the end.
"We dead?" I asked her.
"Possibly." She whispered back, before going back to sleep.
The duvet was over my head, like a hood, so I tossed it off, being sure my friend was covered, before I rolled to my right, purposely falling onto the floor, out my bed.

I lay there for a moment, unsure of how I was feeling, before I rolled onto my stomach, pushing myself up, to my hands and knees, and crawled for the door, hitting it open, with a limp hand, and collapsing onto the floor, groaning.
"Guten Morgen." I heard a deep chuckle.
"Fuck off..." I mumbled back, eyes closed, face smooshed up to my arm, laying awkwardly in my doorway.
"Come on... Let's get you up." Richard grabbed my arm, pulling me up, getting me to me feet, having to hold me steady, as I couldn't function.
He helped me, but I'd say he more of dragged me, to the couch, and helped me to sit down, where he sat to my right and waved a coffee under my nose.
"Mine..." I grabbed it, claiming it, taking a sip. "Good."
He laughed. "You feeling OK?" I pressed a hand to my forehead.
"Think I'm still drunk..." I finally looked at him.
His dark hair was a mess, like he'd only just woken up himself, while he wore a black tank top, with some grey sweats.
"I think you're the love of my life..." I pouted at him.
He pulled me close, kissing me softly. "I know you're the love of mine." He whispered. "And I also wouldn't put it past you, still be drunk."
"I'm a lightweight. Get fucked." I grumbled, keeping my coffee close.

The door creaked open, and Archie stumbled in, holding his head. "Ow..."
We looked at him, no shirt, his greasy overalls covering his lower half, while his neck had lipstick all over it... Bonnie's lipstick.
He ran a hand through his hair, with a sigh, and looked over at us. "What happened after Paul won?"
Richard laughed. "Sit down, I'll tell you both." He nodded to the armchair closest to Archie.
The mechanic waddled over and fell back into the chair, looking over to Richard and I, looking half dead.
"Where's Bonnie?" I asked him.
"You tell me!" He shrugged, not having a clue. "I woke up to a bunch of cats around me, in the hall." He frowned.
I laughed, and Richard told all.

"We instantly left for the afterparty, as Naomi was dying to see Herr Landers again, after such a kiss." He chuckled. "We all drank... Some more than others." He looked over at me on 'Some'.
"Shmeh..." I cowered away, avoiding his gaze.
"I took liberty of getting everyone home. Archie, you were just gone... I couldn't get a word from you, you were just making weird noises and laughing, I honestly thought something happened to you. I dropped you off first, but you said Bonnie's name, so I went back for Bonnie, dropping off Naomi at her flat, with Paul, believe that or not. You and Bonnie were all over each other, and splitting you up was a hassle, but I eventually did so, leaving you out in the hall, where you took off your shirt, all while laughing. Then, I took Bonnie home, making sure she got into bed, with some aspirin on stand by, for when she wakes up. Finally, I had to Katie, Roxy and Christoph home... What a treat!" He smiled sarcastically. "But you ended up finishing your play, which I look forward to reading."
"I finished it?!" I sat up.
"Yes, you grabbed any spare paper you could find, at the party, and started writing manically. Christoph was with you, so I left to take care of the other, and when I came back, you were crying, cheering that it was done. I got you to the car, were I went back for Christoph and Roxy... Christoph crashed over at mine, while I know I left Roxy in her room, but you were calling out for her, so she stubbled into your room, where you told her you loved her, and you thought I was 'very nice to look at', before you both fell asleep. Christoph passed out on my couch, but I thought it be best I stay here, in case you ladies needed anything." Richard smiled.
"You left me in the hall with no shirt?" Archie frowned.
"I said that?!" I was ready to be swallowed by the couch.
"Yes, and yes." Richard smiled.
"You said Paul and Naomi are together?" Archie then asked, looking to Richard.
"Yes." He nodded. "Paul didn't want to leave her side."

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