Chapter 6 - The Wall

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Katie's P.O.V

"By the sounds of it... You have a wall built." Christoph voiced his thoughts, as I told him about Richard coming over.
Roxy left for a last minute photoshoot, so it was just me and Christoph. I made us vegetarian meat pie and onion rings, with broccoli, for dinner. I wasn't in the mood for a meal, so I heated up what I just saw.
"What do you mean?" I asked, mid onion ring.
"I mean a defensive wall. Like, all the bad things that have happened to you, put this wall up, and now someone who, by the sounds of it, wants to actually get to know you, has come along, your wall is fighting against him. You don't really talk to him." Christoph explained.
"Like a barrier?" I asked, thinking about it.
"Yes." Christoph nodded.

"He's not serious, though." I got up and grabbed us both a beer. "He was just being nice..."
"Katie, he sounds genuine. You said he asked about me and Roxy, but then asked about you. Wanting to get to know you? That, to me, sounds like he's interested. Maybe not like that, but interested in being your friend." Christoph made a point. The way he said it...
"Maybe... but how do I let my 'wall' down?" I questioned, sitting back at the table, sliding Christoph a beer.
"Answer his questions... Ease into it. Tell him you are writing a play. Tell him... Where in England you are from, why you left Ohio... Talk to him. Get to know Richard in the process. Forget about falling in love, just make a friend." Christoph smiled.
"Why me, though? He didn't even talk to Roxy. Not really." I mentioned.
"Katie... Take a chance on the guy. He came back, after you walked into a door and fell into his apartment. A lot of people wouldn't do what he did." Christoph was right. A lot of people would of pushed me away after something like that.

. . .

It had been three days since that talk with Christoph. I hadn't seen Richard since. I spent most of my time writing out my play. I still didn't have any names, but the script was coming along nicely, until Roxy decided we should get out of the house.
Now, me and Roxy don't really like shopping, unless we are in HMV, but she wanted to buy a new dress for Valentines day.
And so here we are! In New York's shopping capital. I have no idea where I am, but hey! I love my best friend and if she needs a dress, then we will get her a dress.
I had a death grip on her arm, as we weaved through the people and desperate housewives on the street, but we soon arrived to a shop we are somewhat familiar with, Stereo 25.
It's a clothing store, that has some real nice stuff and for a great price too!

"Dresses... Dresses..." Roxy spoke to herself, looking around for the dresses. I just followed behind her, 'cause we both knew if I saw something, then I'm just gonna want to get it, then when we get home, I'll feel bad and guilty for spending my money and not giving my best friend the attention I should of given her.
I held Roxy's bag for her, as she looked at a red dress in her size. She pulled it off the rail and got a look at it.
"It's nice, but it's red. I think you look better in black... Or dark colours." I voiced my opinion.
"Yeah. You're right." Roxy nodded. She then held the dress in front of me, as if seeing if it would look nice on me.
"Roxy, you and I both know I don't wear dresses." I was a little shocked. I really don't wear dresses. Not even skirts. I do own a dress and I do own a skirt, but the dress is from Naomi, that I had to wear for Bonnie's wild red twenty fifth birthday, and I was freaking out wearing it, until Archie got me drinking a little. And the skirt... Well, when it gets really hot I wear it, but with tights or leggings. Even then I need to feel really good about myself, for me to be confident wearing it.
"I know you don't. I'm just... Never mind. Black you think?" Roxy put the dress back, before we walked over to a couple of black dresses.

"Hey, Roxy. Do you think I have a defensive wall up?" I wanted to hear her opinion about it.
"Oh... Well... Yeah, but it's not a bad thing!" I caught her off guard.
"Christoph said I should let it down, but I don't really know how." I frowned. It was true.
"OK..." Roxy looked around the store. "You see him, over there?" She pointed out a guy, browsing through shoes.
"Roxy, no." I shook my head. "I'm not going over and asking for his number!" I whisper yelled, laughing softly.
"Just go say 'Hi' and ask if he needs any help." Roxy laughed.
"He'll think I work here!" I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh.
"Ask him if he prefers tea or coffee- say you're taking a poll." Roxy smiled.
"A poll... That would be funny..." I looked over at the guy. Not as good looking as Richard is, but not bad looking either.
"OK... I'll take a poll." I smiled, turning to Roxy.
She squealed and took her bag back from me, letting me go over.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the guy. He was fairly tall, with longish black hair. He wore a leather black jacket, black skinny jeans and grey converse. He seemed alright.
"Excuse me." I tapped his shoulder.
"Oh, hi." He smiled, giving me his attention.
"Hi. Me and my friend over there-" I pointed out Roxy. "-Are taking a poll and we were wondering if you'd take part? We're just asking random people." I smiled.
"Um, OK, sure." The guy smiled, nodding.
"Great. Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee? I'm trying to prove drinking tea doesn't make you British." I was just lying to this guys face.
"I actually prefer coffee, over tea, but there's nothing wrong with drinking tea." He smiled.
"Great. Thank you." I smiled. I was about to head back to Roxy, when the guy spoke up again.
"I'm Jordon. By the way."
I turned back to him. "Hey. I'm Katie."
"I don't mean to be so forward, but would you... like to grab a coffee sometime?" Jordon asked, nervously. "Or even tea?"
I gave a laugh at his teasing. "Really? I'm only taking a poll?" I asked. Is that my wall?
"Surly you can grab a coffee sometime?" Jordon smiled at me.
"You know what?" I nodded. "I can grab a coffee."
"Great. How about tomorrow, at coffee beans? Say at 11:00?" Jordon asked.
"Yeah. Sure." I smiled.

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