Chapter 37 - The Power Of Love

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Katie's P.O.V - December 12th . 2015

"We're only going to get drunk. You know how this all works!" I pulled my black hood up, walking into the museum, with Roxy and Naomi.
"We'll be fine! It's not like we get shitfaced." Roxy smiled, linking her arm with mine, walking on my right.
"Just be daddy's good girl!" Naomi laughed, our invites in her hands, as she walked just in front of us.

New York's greatest art museum was having its very last, annual art parade. All the best artist will attend, discuss art, enjoy some drinks, be... boring? I guess. Loads of posh people. 
We've come every year, for the last four. Apparently Archie saw my dad walking in here, four years ago. Every year we've come to see if it was him, or if he'll show up again, but Archie wasn't sure and we've never seen my dad, but Naomi and Roxy drag me here every time. So glad this is the last one.

"Invites, ladies?" A gentleman smiled, as we walked in. He wore a black suit and tie, unlike us three. It was a black tie event, but we wore what we would.
Naomi wore a black dress, with a flow-y charcoal cardigan, Roxy wore a black tank top, leggings, and black, knee high, boots, as I wore a black Queen top, my black skirt, my knee high converse and a black cardigan, with a hood.
"Just three." Naomi handed him the invites. He didn't seem too fazed by our clothing.
"Miss Katie Lace! It's fantastic of you to come. Welcome!" The guy smiled, looking up at me, once he read the invites.
I smiled, mentally strangling him. I don't usually get recognized and I don't really like it.

He let us in and we did as we always do.
"Wine!" I grabbed two glasses from a passing waitress, handing one to Naomi, as she was behind me. Roxy grabbed one for herself and we did our route.
We walked round the giant hall twice, into the Van Gogh room, then into the Picasso room, and then into my dad's.

"Nothing. Let's go home." I was sat on a bench, my seventh glass of wine almost gone.
"You're always like this-"
"Four hours! I wonder why!" I cut Roxy off, making a joke of myself, getting a laugh from her.
"We're fine. Just half an hour more, then we'll go. I prom-"
"He's here." Naomi was starring at the door.
I looked over at the doors to the room and we took cover behind one of the walls in the room.

My dad had walked in, followed by a few guests. He seemed to be looking around for someone, but he was talking to the guests.
"He's alive." Roxy spoke first.
"So, we can go." I looked at my dad. Tall dark hair, tattoos, spitting image of Nikki Sixx, but out of coincidence, not on purpose.
"Maybe one of us should say hi... Just so we know he is OK." Naomi looked back at me, as me and Roxy stood behind her, all of us peeking behind the wall.

"Rouge is scary." Roxy looked at the painting we were next to.
"Rouge is fantastic." I looked at her, then the painting. "Go say hi then." I said to Naomi.
"Hey!" Naomi nudged me.
I waved her off and made my argument. "Rouge is a painting of me. Look at it. I'm alone in the house and I've made it my own. I embraced the trust my parents had in me, and jump started it to the next level. I'm lying on the sofa, with the window open and the record player on loud." I smiled.
"You were always one for going 'Rouge'." My dad spoke up behind me.

We all turned around and he was stood, with guests just behind him. Some gasped as they saw me.
"As my daughter said, Rouge is about embracing the new. Bending the rules. All the bright colours represent her happiness and excitement of this new trust, but the dark colours of the couch, record player, and curtains, represent her insecurity of this new trusting we had in her. She was only fourteen." Dad turned to his followers, smirk on his face. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

His guests all departed and he turned to me. "I heard whispers you were here."
"Hi, dad." I gave an awkward wave, the alcohol really kicking in.
"Nice hair. Copying each other?" Dad smiled at me and Roxy.
We looked at each other and shrugged, nodding.
It was a bit awkward, but me and dad smiled at each other, then shared a hug.
"I miss you." You mumbled.
"You too, kiddo." He smiled.

We spent a couple of hours with my dad, talking to people and each other about all his works. I got recognized a lot, but I stopped caring. I got pretty drunk, so my social skills were fantastic. Even when I stood on one of the benches and starting arguing with my dad about which of his works were the best.
He's stopped painting now, but his work is some of history. I love my dad. I really do, but we've lost each other and I'm scared for what his future holds.

At the end of the night, he called us a cab and if I'd of known that the next time I should see him, would be the last, then I would of stayed with him tonight. I'd of stayed sober for him.
In the cab, the radio was on. 'The Power Of Love' - Huey Lewis & The News.
I was singing and waving my arms around, with Naomi singing with me, and Roxy laughing at us. We've all been drinking and this song is a classic.

"This new year!" I pointed at Roxy. "I'm gonna quit my job at the store and I'mma write a play. My dad can see me in Broadway and we'll be a real family!"
"You don't need Broadway to have that 'real family'. You're dad is alive and he's great!" Naomi smiled, sat opposite me in the cab.
"Katie... We love you. We always will. You don't need your dad to have a 'real family' you just need love. And we really do love you." Roxy took my hand.
"I love you too!" I booped her nose.
She smiled, but wrapped her arms around me. "That's the power of love." She kissed my head.

If only I knew then, what she knew. My dad was a drunk. So many people followed him that night, because they weren't expecting him to be there. When Archie saw him, four years ago, he made a fool of himself. They were watching for how many drinks he was getting, keeping him sober, which bored him. I was his distraction. That's why he was looking around the room for me. An excuse.

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