Chapter 28 - Unexpected Date

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Katie's P.O.V

"Katie." I heard a whisper. "Katie, wake up..." Someone lay a hand on my upper back.
"Muh..." I snuggled into my pillow.
"Darling, wake up. You're gonna miss it." Darling? Richard called me that once...
"Richard?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Good morning." He whispered.
I opened my eyes and looked at him. It was dark in my room. "What time is it?"
"Five in the morning. We're going on that date." Richard smiled, sat on my bed, with his hand on my back.
"No. Go away." I shook my head.

He frowned. He sighed and looked around my room.
"How did you get in?" I pushed myself up, to see him.
"I uh... I rang Roxy. She's gone back to bed. She's also... all blonde." Richard looked at my door confused.
"What's your natural hair colour? It's clearly dyed." I ran a hand through his hair.
He smiled at me. "Blond. I have pictures, but not right now. Can I take you on that second date?"
"After eleven..." I lay my head on his shoulder, hand still in his hair. It was soft... and he smelt good! Is that weird?
"It'll be too late, then. Please, come now?" He looked down at me.
"But it's stupid time. Me sleepy, Reeshy!" I whined.
"Reeshy? OK." He chuckled. "I has a surprise for you and I really wants you to see it."
"Fine... Do I have to change?" I pouted, tired and unhappy.
"Wear some jeans and my hoodie. We're going on the roof." Richard smiled.

. . .

"Careful." Richard took my hand, as we made it up to the roof.
It was still dark out. "This is stupid... Are you gonna kill me?!" I woke up.
"No!" Richard turned to me, panicked. "I'm not gonna hurt you in anyway. I promise, just come with me."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Sorry, I scared you."
"It's OK." He hugged my waist.
Now I know how Roxy feels, when she hugs Christoph.

I followed Richard around the door, to the roof, and stepped over the useless small wall, with his help. I yawned and hugged Richard's arm, when I saw what he had done.
He lay out a blanket and a lantern, on the roof. There was another blanket folded up, by the lantern.

"What is this?" I asked, as we walked over.
"We're watching the sunrise, together." Richard smiled, sitting down.
"You're amazing." I smiled, sitting next to him.
"I also came prepared." Richard grabbed the spare blanket and unfolded it.
He wrapped it around himself and opened his arms for me.

We sat on the roof, watching the sky, under his blanket.
"The city looks so pretty." I sighed, happily.
"Yes, it does." Richard agreed. "It's a lot more beautiful, now that I've met you."
I blushed. "Did you want to move to New York, or did you just come here for your band?"
"I came here for my band. I was going through a lot in Germany... I needed something new, so I came here for a month, staying in a hotel. The songs all just hit me. I would write and sing in German, but this is New York. You all speak English." Richard replied.
"Do you feel at home here?" I asked.
"I would like to go back to Germany, some day, but this is my home." He sighed, but happily.

"I read that paper about your family. I forgot to mention it. I can't believe you went through all that." I looked out at the city.
"Darling, I'm a lot better now, than I was, then. I smoke more, now, but that's hard to knock." Richard played it as a joke.
"Smoking kills... Please, cut down." I buried my face in his neck.
"I'll try." He whispered.
"You wont try. You will." I poked his side.
"OK. I will. I'll cut down." Richard silently promised.

"I like these surprises, but next time can I get a head's up, if I have to wake up early?" I looked up at Richard.
"Of course." He smiled, showing a sliver of his teeth.
I lay my head on his shoulder and the sun made it's first signs of joining us.
"Richard..." I started. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say. I guess I just wanted to hear his voice.
"Hmm?" He asked, arms wrapped around me.
"Nothing... I just gotta hear your voice. I gotta know this is real." I sighed.

"This is real. You and me, on the roof, in New York City. Would you mind if I asked... Can I hear you play bass? You told me you play, and I saw your bass, in your room. I really want to hear you play." Richard smiled.
"Not now, but I'll play. I used to want to be in a band, but then I did work experience in a theatre. I knew I wanted to write plays. This is my first serious play, but I have written others. Not worth talking about." I shook my head.
"No, no. Tell me." Richard pushed me.
"Just little stories, that were on in small theatres, for a couple of days. Never got the attention I was looking for, so I decided to write a real play. One for Broadway. There are directors in the city, looking for new shows and if you provide them with something good, they'll put your show on for a week, in Broadway. If it sells, they'll take you on, for so much more. It's happened before and it's what I want. Imagine your show on tour! Your characters come to life, by the actors, and the atmosphere. A performance that could change a life, and inspire one to greatness!" I smiled, looking at the city.
"It's going to happen. You'll sell out the world." Richard looked at me.
"I might not... I'm terrible." I sighed, looking at my shoes.
"Darling, you're going to do amazing things and I'm right here besides you. You can use some of my songs, if you want, or I could write some songs for you- with you!" Richard smiled brightly at me, making me believe it.
"Yeah... Could we do that?" I asked.
"Yes! Tell me when and I'll come running. Guitar in hand." Richard nodded.

We smiled to each other and Richard pulled me down, so we were looking up at the sky. I listened to his heartbeat and he kept me warm, with the blanket.
Richard really believed in me. I don't think anyone has believed so much in me, except for my friends. They loved every show, but this one was so much more different. I'm gonna hit Broadway, like no one has hit before.

We lay on the roof, until ten O'clock. The sun rose and shined it's brightest, the lantern burned out, and we became very hungry. Richard may have disturbed me from my slumber, but he's made up for it, perfectly. Good luck to anyone else who wakes me up, in the future. You'll never beat this.

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