Chapter 5 - The Balcony Scene

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Katie's P.O.V

"Make her go to bed." I heard Christoph whispered.
"I can't. You saw how exited she was, last night." Roxy whispered, as something was placed over me. A duvet? Ah shit... I'm on the sofa aren't I?
I rubbed my eyes and groaned.
"Morning." Roxy smiled, standing over me.
"Morning... Did I get it down?" I asked, looking at my laptop on the coffee table.
"You did. Plus a lot more. Katie, you started drafting it as a script. No character names, though." Roxy smiled.
"Yes!" I whispered, sitting up.
Roxy sat next to me, getting herself under my Union Jack duvet.

We were both in our pyjamas, the TV was off, sunlight was pouring into the apartment, and I could hear Christoph, in the kitchen.
"Richard's German." I smiled, glad I managed to write, before I fell asleep.
"Who?" Roxy wondered, tilting her head, looking at me.
"Richard. He's the new guy." I looked at my best friend.
"Is he nice?" She asked, with a small smile.
"Yeah... We were talking, when I heard you call..." I remembered yesterday.
"It's OK..." Roxy smiled sadly, laying her head on my shoulder.
"I'm never gonna see him again and we both know that." I sighed.
"You will see him again, but we'll be avoiding him, like the plague." Roxy joked.
"Yeah." I nodded, giving a weak laugh. He really was nice...

"Here. I have to go to work, but I want you to get up and have a shower. Give it a break and go easy today. You were up late." Christoph walked over, placing two coffees on the coffee table coasters, all dressed for the office.
"Thanks and I will..." I promised.
"Good. I'll see you two later." Christoph smiled, kissing Roxy, before grabbing his keys and wallet. We waved to him, as he left, then we both sighed.
"Was he buff?" Roxy asked about Richard.
"You have a boyfriend." I looked at her.
"So?! Just answer the question!" She laughed.
"Yeah. He's got some muscle on him. A great smile and a smooth, delicate voice. His eyes are bright... I think they're blue? Wasn't really looking, like that. He accent is thick and he seemed interested to know about me." I smiled to myself.
"I only asked if he had any muscle on him.... You like, like him." Roxy pointed out.
"So what if I did? I ruined all chances I could of had with him." I sighed.
"Maybe not... If he's really interested in you, he would over look all that happened, right? Like Archie said? Or did I say that? What happened last night?" Roxy looked at me, joking, but honest about the confusion.

. . .

We were up and dressed. I showered an hour ago, and was just finishing my second coffee on the balcony. I was making notes of possible names to use, but I couldn't think of really good ones. Roxy walked out, with a make up bag, and without saying anything, she drew on my cheek and put some lipstick on me. She then applied mascara and eyeliner to my eyes.
I don't usually wear make up. Only basic foundation, but Roxy always looks amazing, so I trusted her and let her do as she pleased.
"Done. Stand up." She smiled, getting her phone camera ready.
We both smiled and Roxy snapped the picture. She sent it to me and went back inside.
I laughed at her, looking at the picture on my phone. I looked nice. It didn't take her too long, but Roxy always knew what she was doing with make up. I wish I did. I was more focused on music. Buying merch, albums, posters, watching music videos. That's me.
I went back to my notes and tried to really think.

"Katie... Richard wants to see you." Roxy peeked round the door, pointing behind her, out of sight from Richard.
"What?!" I whispered, sitting up.
Roxy let Richard out onto the balcony and he smiled at me. "Thanks." He smiled at Roxy.
Roxy went back inside and things went silent.
"I was thinking about you, last night. I was worried you hurt yourself..." Richard started.
"I'm fine... I'm used to it." I mumbled the last part.
"You're used to it? What does that mean?" Richard heard me.
"I'm an embarrassment. It's always me, and it's always my friends, who pick up the pieces." I frowned. "It doesn't matter. I'm fine, really." I gave Richard a weak smile.
He looked at me, not convinced, but change the subject. "You have a nice view." He looked around. His apartment was facing the city, whilst ours was only the street.
"Yeah. We see everyone come and go. If this street could talk..." I smiled.
Richard chuckled.
"Sit down." I nodded to the spare seat.
"Thank you." He smiled, sitting down. Maybe hope wasn't gone after all.

"Your friend seems really nice." Richard smiled. Nope. It's gone. All hope is gone.
"Yeah. Roxanne Camille is defiantly something." Why did I use her full name?
"She seems to care about you a lot. I envy that." Richard smiled.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"I'm in a new city. I don't know anyone. I'm far from home." Richard replied, looking around the street.
"If it helps, Roxy's boyfriend is German. You could meet him later?" I had no idea what I was saying.
Richard chuckled. "And how did they meet?" He asked. "Actually no. I want to get to know you."
Me? Why? I made a fool of myself.
"I'm nothing." I shook my head, closing my notebook, so he wouldn't see my mess.
"Allow me to be the judge of that." Richard smiled. What did he want?
"Hey. I have no idea who you are. I made a fool out of myself, and you claim to be worried about me. You don't know me-"
"Then, let me get to know you." Richard cut me off.
"You don't mean this... No way." I shook my head.
"Take a chance... What is that you're working on?" This German man pointed at my notebook. And that was not slag for anything. He really did point at my notepad!
"I might tell you... When I know you better." I teased.
Richard smirked and nodded. Was he real about getting to know me? He can't be.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" Richard asked, reaching in his pocket.
"Out here, you can, but not in the apartment." I replied, smiling shyly, turning away from him.
"You were going to tell me what you do for a living, before you had to leave yesterday." Richard lit up his cigarette, leaving the box on the table.
"I don't do anything. I'm unemployed at the moment." I avoided his gaze.
"Oh right... I'm in the music business." Richard told me.
"Oh really?" I asked, drawing on my notebook.
"Emigrate. My band." He smiled. "We're starting to become a big deal."
"Oh. I've actually never heard of you." I admitted, looking at him.
He was looking right at me, with a smile. "Maybe you should give us a try."

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