Chapter 36 - A Pretty Great Team

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Katie's P.O.V

"I don't wanna see, see us apart!" Roxy mumbled along to the song a DJ was playing, walking passed us. The race started in fifteen minutes, the crew were taking one last check of the car.
"Why do they always play Basshunter?" Bonnie asked, as we were leaning against the wall, between Paul's garage and some other dudes, on the left.
"Play Slipknot!" I shouted, getting Archie's attention, which was a rag, covered in oil, to the face.
"Ew!" Me and Bonnie laughed.
I threw it back, but accidently caught Paul with it.

"Thank you." He smiled, taking it kindly, standing next to Archie.
"I'm sorry!" I smiled.
"Oh, didn't know you were Canadian." Archie smirked, taking the rag from Paul.
"Fuck him." I mumbled, leaning back against the wall.
"Smile." Jordon took a picture of Bonnie and I. "And I'm actually Canadian. Fuck you, Archie."
"Oh, fancy." Archie rolled his eyes, laughing.

"Here." Richard walked over, giving me and Bonnie another drink.
"Thank you!" We smiled, taking the water bottles.
"He's not really looking at me is he?" Naomi walked over and stood next to Bonnie, out of sight from the garage.
"He was. Girl, chill." Bonnie smiled.
"Bonnie, I've had dreams about that man. I always end up in his car, running away with him." Naomi looked at Bonnie.
"Stick around, kid. It could come reality." I mumbled, turning away, so she didn't hear me.

Richard chuckled and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.
"So, you're Richard?" Jordon smiled, walking up to us.
"Yes." Richard smiled. I told him everything about me and Jordon, so he knows.
"Pleasure." Jordon shook hands with him.
"Are we staying in touch or...?" I looked at Jordon.
"Yeah. We can stay in touch." He smiled, taking some more pictures of the garage.
Always room for more friends.

"The Need For Speed will commence in ten minutes!" The announcer called out.
Everyone in the garage cheered, making us laugh. It was really exiting being here.
"Hey, Naomi! Could you pass me my helmet?" Paul called out, standing at the drivers door, looking over here.
Naomi gasped and nodded. She shyly walked over to the shelf and grabbed it, being very carful with it. It was a midnight blue, with a small German flag printed on the left side of it. It read 'Landers - 43' on the back. There were 50 people in this race - he must be the 43rd.
Naomi smiled and held out the helmet, as she stood in front of Paul.

Me, Bonnie, Richard and Archie all watched, as Paul took it and placed it on her, being all cute.
Bonnie squealed, as Naomi laughed, looking at Paul, who seemed to forget about everyone around him. He shut the lid down, on the helmet, and chuckled, saying something to Naomi.

"She is so lucky. I envied Roxy for years, but now Christoph is nothing compared to Herr Landers, over there." Bonnie smiled.
"Well, they both like each other and that just proves it. Can't we just get them together?" I asked, turning to Bonnie.
"We could try... Or! We could leave them to it!" Bonnie looked back at Naomi, nudging for me to look over.
Paul had his helmet under an arm, and placed a kiss to Naomi's left hand, before getting his helmet on and climbing in the car.
"They'll be fine!" Me and Bonnie smiled.

"Last twenty five to the starting line!" A guy, waking passed, was calling out.
"Here's how this works!" Archie called out, shutting the bonnet, walking over to us, as Roxy and Christoph walked over.
Paul said something to Naomi, before he closed his door, making her smile, nod eagerly, and chase after Archie, over to us.

We stood to the side as Paul started up the car, bringing that beauty to life.
"Fifty drivers, last twenty five go out to race." Archie started, stood between me and Bonnie. "They do as many laps as they can, then when they pull in for service, their partner, in the first twenty five, goes out and races, until they need in. They're not racing for their country. Let's make that clear. Three German drivers are out there." Archie nodded out to the pit.
Paul waited for his signal to leave the pit, as Archie spoke to us.
"Race ends at 11:00 PM, it's a full twelve hour race. After 11:00 all cars are called into the pit. Race officially ends, when the last car crosses the line. It's long, but fantastic. My first race, I stayed until the very end!" Archie smiled, pointing up around the arena, where the crowd was.
"You love your cars." Bonnie smiled, looking at him.
"Alright, Roger Taylor." I joked, nudging Archie, getting a laugh from him, in return.

"GO!" The guy nodded at Paul.
"Good luck!"
"Knock 'em dead!"
"You got this, Paul!"
We all shouted out well wishes, as Paul left the pit.
"What did he say to you?" I asked Naomi, as our friends, minus Richard, Bonnie and Archie, rushed over to the TV.
"Oh... He asked me to wait for him, here in the pit, when the race finishes." Naomi shuffled around shyly, but with a smile.
"He likes you!" Bonnie smiled, taking her hand and walking over to the TV.

I smiled and looked up at the big screen, outside. You could see all the cars lining up. The announcer was going through each car and driver, as they pulled up.
The crowd roared loud, as Paul's car was on screen.
"I can't believe I worked on his car." Archie smiled, stood next to me.
"Me neither. Thanks for letting us back here, Archie." I turned to him.
"You're my best friends. I couldn't do this without you lot here with me." Archie smiled.
We shared a hug and sat against the wall between garages, with Richard. Water bottles in front of us, our friends behind us, a day at the races, with a pretty great team.

"We're one hell of a team, huh?" Roxy walked over, sitting with us, handing out extra water.
"Oh yeah, we are." Archie nodded.
"I'm glad I met you." Richard looked at me, a big smile of his pretty face.
"So, are you two official?" Roxy asked, sat next to Archie, who sat on my right.
I looked at Richard, unsure, but he seemed to smile, knowing the answer.
"We are?" I asked.
"Ja. We're official." He smiled, taking my left hand in his right.
"And the race is on!" The announcer shouted out.

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