Chapter 47 - Once In a Lifetime

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Roxy's P.O.V

"Roxy, the car's here!" Christoph called from the living room.
"Coming." I checked myself one last time in the mirror, before I grabbed my clutch and walked out our room.
He stood tall, suited up nicely, looking very handsome. "Wow." He smiled at me.
"Too much?" I gave him a 360 view, spinning around. A long red dress, with black shawl over it. It was snowing!
"Perfect!" He grinned. "Ready to go?"
"I'm nervous for her." I admitted, taking his extended hand.
He switched out the lights, as we walked out our apartment. "She's going to be fine." He assured me. "She always is."
He locked the door and I held onto his upper right arm, as we walked to the elevator and went down to the lobby, before walking out to our waiting car.

I knew Bonnie and Archie were already waiting, and when checking my phone, I saw Naomi had text me saying her and Paul had just parked up. Christoph placed a hand on my knee, only then did I realise I was fidgeting nervously.
"It's alright, meine Liebe." He smiled at me.
I smiled back at him, calming down some, while I typed out a message, sending it to Katie.

Roxy: I always knew you'd make it. Xx

. . .

Bonnie's P.O.V

Archie parked up down the street, and we stood in the line to get in.
He was tapping his foot, looking really sick.
"You OK?" I asked him.
"This is Katie's big night..." He smiled at me, arm over my shoulders. He wore a black dress shirt, with black trousers, his sleeves rolled up, trying to steady his breathing.
I wore a black dress, strapless, stopping mid thigh, with Archie's blazer over my shoulders. The snow had stopped falling, but the chill was ever present.
"I'm nervous too, but it's going to be OK." I assured my boyfriend, my hands on his chest, standing in front of him.
He nodded, taking my hands in his. "She's probably really freaking out inside." Archie grinned.
"Oh yeah! She's probably pacing, triple checking everything, constantly asking for reassurance." I gave a light laugh, as a cheer erupted from down the line.

"COME ON!" I heard Naomi plead.
I took a step back from Archie, seeing some of the gathering audience reach out to shake Paul's hand. As politely as he could, he smiled and high fived some, keeping a hold of Naomi's hand, making their way down the line.
"BONNIE!" Naomi cheered.
I ran up to her, hugging her tight. "Urgh, I'm so excited." I gushed.
"So am I!" She laughed, dragging me back over to Archie.
They shared a hug, while the guys did the nod thing.
"Anyone heard from Katie?" Naomi asked us.
"Not since this morning, just texting us saying 'please don't be late'." Archie replied.
"We got the same text." Paul nodded.
"I'm so excited!" Naomi hopped around, wearing a similar dress to mine, only purple, with off the shoulder sleeves. She wore a denim jacket over it, to fight off the cold, hopping about to keep herself warm.

"Brochures!" A guy called out, walking down the line.
"Hey!" Archie called him over. "We'll take four."
Archie bought the brochures and we each took one.
"Wow, great cast." I smiled, seeing big names.
"Ooooh, Darcy May as Minnie." Naomi smiled. "She played Giselle, in 'Keep Talking About Tony'."
"Listen to this!" Paul was in the back pages. "The first play for stage writer Katie Sixx. Having been raised under the strange and unusual, all viewer should expected the unexpected. As Cinderella had to be out by midnight, Beauty fell in love with The Beast, a mermaid got her feet, the works of Katie Sixx are gripping, enticing and never to be missed.
Born in England, moving to New York at nineteen, the Broadway lights called out her name and she answered. With no previous experience, Katie's work is reviewed to be up there with Lloyd Webber, Dixon, Burton, Medley, and Lloyd-Evans, who took her under his wing. She's a shining star in her department and not someone to miss." He read out to us.
"Oooooh!" Naomi giggled, with me.

. . .

Naomi's P.O.V

Christoph and Roxy pulled up and we all stared, looking as glamourous as always.
Archie gave a whistle. "Herr Schneider, you have never looked more ravishing!" He joked, making us all laugh.
"Same could be said for you, my friend." Christoph chuckled, hugging Archie in greeting.
"Ooh la la." I nudged Roxy.
She laughed, and shared a hug with me and Bonnie.
The line started to move and we all gasped.
"Here we go..." I grabbed Paul's hand.
"Where's Richard?" Roxy asked.
"He'll be here." Archie told us, but he didn't look so convinced.

We followed the line, walking in, where the guys handed over our tickets. We were shown to the front row, eight chairs reserved, dead centre.
"Guys!" I gasped, seeing the seats.
We all sat down, Archie, Bonnie, me, Paul, Roxy, Christoph and one empty chair.
"Richard?" Paul asked.
"He'll be here." Roxy looked at us, as the room started filling up.
"Oh no... What about Frank?" I frowned, bouncing my right knee, anxiously.
"There's still time!" Christoph held his hand up, calming us all, the empty chair on his left. "I'm sure Frank will show up, all seats are paid for, so maybe she bought him one."
"Please, Richard." Bonnie closed her eyes, wishing on all the stars.
I hugged my brochure, watching the doors, as Paul gave his to Roxy and Christoph.
Roxy looked through it, smiling over the words said about Katie, while ushers showed the audience to their seats.

"Archie." Christoph leaned over, grabbing the mechanic's attention.
He gave a nod, listening.
"Two seats to your right, third row." He spoke lowly.
Archie did a casual look around, before he looked back forwards, eyes wide.
"Who is it?" I asked him, taking a glance.
"It's Beckon All representatives... You know that magazine Katie reads?" He whispered to us.
"Shit!" I gasped, in a whisper. "They're reviewing her play."
"Calm down, it's OK." Paul took my hand, before someone ran over.
"Frank!" I smiled.
He laughed, catching his breath. "Parking is a nightmare!" He grinned.
We all laughed.
"Grab a seat... We're just waiting on Richard." Christoph smiled.

The painter's smile fell, before he looked to the doors. "He told me he was already here..."
We all sunk back.
"He's blowing her off..." Archie was stunned.
"No, no, no! He'd never!" Roxy frowned.
"I'm gonna call him." Bonnie pulled her phone out her clutch purse.
"Katie said she reversed a seat for me... There only one left." Frank frowned, looking to the empty chair.
"You don't think they broke up, did they?!" I gasped, grabbing Paul's arm. "I know he was away on tour, and she was busy, but-"
"NayNay." Bonnie placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be OK... I'm sure Richard will show up... Maybe he's just got a seat up on the balcony or something?" She suggested.
"Maybe..." I frowned, worried for my best friend.
"Show time." Archie gave a nudge, as the lights dimmed.
Frank took the seat next to Christoph and I took one last look around the room, trying to find Richard.
It got too dark. I couldn't see him.

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