Chapter 15 - Desperation Day - Pt. 2

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Naomi's P.O.V

"... Making every person, no offence, but it's mainly women, desperate for a date... As Barney Stinson said: Desperation Day." Archie (finally) finished telling us about Desperation day.
Bonnie looked at me through the mirror, with a smile that said it all. 'Every year. Word for word.'
"We go through this every year." I looked at Archie, sat in the chair next to mine, looking at himself in his mirror.
We were at Bonnie's hair salon. She didn't run it, just worked here.
Archie and I were getting our hair done for tomorrow. Archie was getting his dyed a (almost) burgundy red, and I was having some black streaks in mine.
Bonnie got hers done before the shop opened this morning. The tips were all blue, like a sky blue colour.
"Everyone needs to hear it. Everyone argues that 'How I Met Your Mother' was a steal of 'Friends', so they don't hear the jokes or the story. They are two different shows. Who cares if one stole from the other?!" Archie said, shaking his head, making the foil, on his head, rattle. "Also! The Office! Originated in the UK! You hear me!" Archie looked over at a couple of regular, posh women, who were getting their nails done at the back of the shop. "The Office originated from the UK! It's a British show! Ask my British friend, she can prove it!"
"Oh, Archie!" Bonnie laughed. He was a funny guy.
"It winds me up." He held his hands up for surrender.
"So, you don't get anyone mad or kicked out... Have you met Richard?" Bonnie asked, checking his colour.
Archie was looking at her through the mirror.
"Archie?" Bonnie asked, looking back at him.
"What? Sorry, I was out." He chuckled, blinking.
"Sure you were." I mumbled. I saw him!

I crossed my legs and looked through a magazine of hair styles. I brought it with me, for my sister's wedding... Getting married before me, when I'm four years older... She's so lucky.
"Have you met Richard?" Bonnie asked Archie again.
"I've seen him and we've exchanged a 'hello', but not really met him." Archie replied, thinking about it.
"Well, he's coming to Need For Speed and he's bringing a donation." Bonnie smiled.
"Do we know how much? I've googled him and he's an actual rock star. Fan blogs, fan fiction, followers on all social media." I listed a few.
"He's actually a big deal? How come we've not heard of him? Katie and Christoph love rock music." Archie glanced at me, as Bonnie was now taking the foil out of his hair.
"I don't know, but Katie's been behind with music, since..." I trailed off as they knew what I was onto.
"Her dad... What happened to Frank?" Bonnie asked, pausing her work, placing a fist on her hip, as her hands had dye on them. (Although she was wearing gloves)
"Not heard from him. Not even my dad has heard from him. They were best friends." I sighed.
"Hey, come on... It's in the past. Let's... What are you and Katie doing for Valentine's Day?" Archie changed the subject, tapping my hand for my attention.
"Isn't she going on a date with Richard?" Bonnie asked, going back to Archie's hair.
"Yeah, but we're still watching The Lost Boys. I better text Katie, actually... Her date isn't until 07:00, I believe." I replied, grabbing my phone out of my bag, which was by my feet.
I placed the magazine in my bag, trading it for my phone. I opened my messages and tapped Katie's name, whiles Bonnie tapped Archie's nose, getting dye on him, making him push her back, playfully.
"Come on, let's wash the dye out! Back in five." Bonnie smiled, talking to Archie, then me.
"No worries." I smiled.

Me: What time we hitting up David? *Wink face*

I loved that vampire! Bonnie took Archie to the opposite side of the shop, where the sinks lined up. All nails and beauty were at the back of the shop and hair was at the front, when you first walk in. Sinks on the left, mirrors and scissors on the right.

Kit Kat: Come at 4. We watch, I change, you give opinion, I freak, you calm me, talk me out of it, I start thinking straight and kick you out.

I gave a laugh and typed my response. Katie was funny, but I know she saw me as the funny one of the group. I never miss the opportunity to crack a joke. The only downfall is I don't always make jokes at the appropriate time.

Me: Sounds good. *Laughing face*

My phone bleeped in my hands, showing an Instagram post. 'RZKofficial just posted a picture'.
Yes. I followed him. He doesn't know it's me though, so he's not following back.
I tapped the notice and Instagram loaded up. A picture of a desk, with papers on it, and a guitar leaning on the wall next to the desk. The picture was in black and white, and the papers had faint scribbles on them. Was he writing a song?
The caption read: A Valentine's surprise.
"Is he writing a song for Katie?" I asked myself, zooming in on the pic.
"Hey. How are you doing?" Bonnie asked, walking over.
Archie was now getting his hair dried, by Bonnie's co-worker.
"Look at this." I showed Bonnie my phone.
"RZK official...? Is that Richard?" She asked, taking Archie's seat, looking at the post, her body facing me.
"Yeah. I follow him. Looks like he's writing a song." I pointed out.
"A Valentine's surprise?" Bonnie questioned. "A song for Kate?"
"Maybe. Looks that way." I shrugged.
"Let's not say anything." Bonnie handed me my phone back. She got up and stood behind me. "It's a surprise." She started checking my hair.
"What do you think of him?" I placed my phone back in my bag, placing my bag by my feet, once again.
"Richard? I like him. You see the way he looks at Katie?" Bonnie grew her Cupid smile, as I liked to call it. That smile always showed when she was happy about love. She didn't know, but she always gave the Cupid smile to Archie.
"They obviously like each other. You seen how Katie goes shy?" I smiled.
"They're so cute!" Bonnie squealed.
"I know!" I snickered.

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