Chapter 38 - A Day At The Races

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Naomi's P.O.V - Three Hours Into Race

"Paul Landers has blown a tire! That looks bad!" The announcer called.
"NO!" I screamed, looking at the big screen, standing outside the garage.
"Holy shit!" I heard Katie yell, sat against the wall, inside the garage, in the shade.
Paul blew a tire and smashed into the wall, just next to the pit, luckily. I covered my mouth, worried for him, as the screen followed the race and medics ran to Paul.
"He'll be fine." Archie placed a hand on my right shoulder, before going back into the garage.

"The second driver can't leave the pits, until Paul comes in. Boys, stand by! We got a lot of work to do!" Archie called out, getting his gear ready. "Once Paul's car is fixed, he can go back out."
I looked to the entrance of the pits, over on the far left, and saw some guys bringing Paul's car in, one man steering and about five pushing, with three running behind it. I walked over to Katie and Richard and watched, with them.
"Slowly! Don't make it any worse!" Archie called out, taking charge.
"Quite hot, when he shouts." Bonnie commented walking over, looking over at Archie.
"Ha! Kinky." Katie joked, laughing, half empty water bottle in hand.
Bonnie nudged her and I saw Paul running over. He wasn't in the car, as they brought it in. He was fine.

I smiled and he walked over to me, making my heart beating faster, then it already was.
"Hope I didn't scare you there." He smiled, taking his helmet off.
"Only a little." I smiled at him. "I'm glad you're OK."
"Did someone hit you?! How can you do that much damage, from a blown tire?!" Archie yelled out.
"Can you fix it?!" Paul looked over at Archie, as he viewed the damage.
"I can, but it'll take a while." Archie ruffled his red hair up, calling over his shoulder to Paul.
"Get started then." Paul chuckled, turning to look at me. "Looks like I'm here for a while."
"Yeah. You're amazing out there." I smiled.
"How is she talking to him?! I'm a mess, just looking at Richard!" Katie spoke a little too loudly, as she walked over to the sofa.

I blushed and looked back at her, mentally cursing, but Paul chuckled.
"You're friends are interesting people." He smiled widely.
"Tell me about it." I turned back to him. His smile was priceless!
"So, Naomi... I hope your boyfriend isn't jealous of you being here?" Paul led me to the back of the garage, towards the fridge.
"I don't have a boyfriend." I smiled, taking the bottle of water he was offering me.
"Good." Paul smiled. "I mean-"
Richard burst out laughing, patting Paul on the back. "You're both single and are similar in many ways. You two have fun."

We smiled at each other, as Richard joined Katie on the sofa. Paul leaned against the back wall, placing his helmet on top of the fridge, and I stood there awkwardly. He chuckled and took my hand, guiding me back against the wall, with him.
"Do you live in New York?" He asked me, standing on my right.
"Yeah. I'm gonna be moving in with Katie, soon. Richard lives in the same building." I smiled, our hands brushing against each others.
"I know where Richard lives. I'll have to stop in, once you've moved in." Paul looked at me.
"Do you play any instruments?" I suddenly asked, remembering that time in the 50's café, with Richard and Katie.
"Yeah, I do." Paul grinned. "I play guitar. Speaking of which, I'm playing guitar for the Need For Speed soundtrack. Richard wrote the song this year."
"Really? I've never had access like this before, or been to any of the after parties, so I'm not too sure what the soundtrack is." I shrugged, awkwardly.

"Every year there's a song made, which will be use to promote NFS the next year. Richard wrote this one and asked me to play on it." Paul explained, nodding over at his friend.
"That sounds awesome!" I smiled. I opened my water bottle and took a sip, as Archie and two other guys worked on changing the tires and replacing the crushed passenger door. No damage to the front or the drivers side. The car was safe to drive.
"How long have you been driving for?" I asked, turning from the car to Paul, who was looking at me.
"Ah!" Paul chuckled. "Me and Richard once stole my dads car and started speeding around, in it. My passion started there, but I legally got my licence at eighteen, then actual lessons at nineteen."
"Same as me, but not the racing." I smiled. "The driving lessons."
"What is it you do?" Paul was genuinely interested.
"I'm an events manager. Currently working on my sisters wedding, which I'm also maid of honour for." I loved my job.
"Sounds quite exciting. How long have you been doing that?" Paul asked, before taking a drink from his water.
"Almost four years. Like three years and seven months?" I guessed.

Me and Paul asked each other all sorts of questions, but forty minutes later, his car was fixed and ready to go back out. His second driver was finishing his third lap, so before Paul got his helmet on, I kissed his cheek and wished him luck. He smiled and kissed my hand again, before putting his helmet on and climbing back in his car.
Once the driver, Lewis Becker - British driver, returned to the pit, Paul was off. I sat on the sofa, with Roxy, Christoph, Katie, and Lisa, to enjoy the rest of the race.

There were nine hours left and Paul was currently in sixth place. He was holding back, for the final rally. He usually does. I couldn't believe the luck everyone was having.
Bonnie and Archie are official, Katie and Richard are official, I've met Paul Landers, Archie is head mechanic for Paul Landers!
Today is just wild. I feel over the moon, right now.

"Naomi and Paul Landers sitting in a tree!" Bonnie smiled, walking over with Archie behind her.
"Shut up!" I laughed. "He's really nice." I played with my water bottle lid.
"Did you ask him all your questions?" Katie asked me, sat next to Christoph, on the armrest of the couch.
"Yeah." I nodded. "Oh! Richard, you didn't tell us you wrote the song for this years soundtrack!" We all looked up at him.
"Surprise." Richard shrugged, standing next to Katie. "I wrote it, but Paul is playing the guitar in it." He smiled.
"I still don't really know you, do I?" Katie asked, getting a laugh from all of us.

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