Chapter 13 - More About Me

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Katie's P.O.V

"So, you're in a band. You must be real busy?" Bonnie asked. We were all sat around the table. Richard was on my right, Naomi sat at the end of the table, next to him, then Bonnie, and opposite me was Roxy.
"Actually, less busy with this album, then the first. With that one, I lived in Germany and flew from there to here, every other month. Now, I'm just here and wondering why I didn't come here sooner." Richard replied, letting Naomi pour him more wine.
"Why didn't you?" I asked. Does he have a family? Kids?! Not really panicking, but now I say it...
"I was getting out of a marriage." Richard looked at me.
"Oh..." I nodded. "Wait, did I say that out loud?!"
"You did." He nodded. "I'm just kidding. Never married." He smiled, making me nudge him. "I was born and raised in Germany, so moving here would of been difficult. I mean it is, but easier now that I'm here, than the moving period was."
"Well, welcome to America, New York City. It's great, but you need a secure job to survive." Bonnie smiled.
"And what is it you ladies do?" Richard smiled, casually putting an arm round the back of my chair.
"I'm a hair dresser and makeup artist." Bonnie replied, drinking some wine.
"I'm a model. Apart of an agency, but I'm looking for my own thing." Roxy smiled. She was proud of herself.
"I'm an events planner. Currently working on my sisters wedding. Actually, the people I work for are planning on signing an agreement, with Christoph's business." Naomi told us.
"How come Christoph hasn't said anything?" Roxy asked, turning to her.
"Only found out an hour ago." Naomi shrugged.
"Sounds exiting." Richard commented.
"NayNay's not a serious person. She got sent home once for being hyper, but she's the best in the job." I smiled, remembering back.
"Wasn't hyper, just very exited." Naomi smiled, pouring more wine.

"Hey, Richard, there's a charity event coming up, next week, Need For Speed. We're all going and actually, me and Roxy will be working on it. You want to join us? With Katie you'll be able to come down on the tracks and hang." Bonnie smiled.
"Oh, really? What day?" Richard asked.
"Thursday. It's a charity event. Homeless Children of America." Naomi replied, before drinking her wine.
"Sure, I'll come down. I'll bring a donation from me and my band." Richard seemed really interested.
"Great. I'll tell my boyfriend. He'll take the donation from you. You need to know the right people." Roxy grinned.
"Yeah! Two years ago!" Naomi grabbed Richard's arm for attention. He didn't mind, he smiled politely. "Two years ago, a guy was going round collecting donations, turned out he stole a representative shirt and stole all the money."
"Wow. Some people." Richard was shocked. True story, though.
Whilst Naomi was talking, Bonnie was slowly taking the wine away from her. She's had three glasses and that is enough!

"It's a load of cars racing. Usually really epic!" Bonnie smiled.
"Yeah! Our friend Archie is a mechanic and he'll be down in the pit, we'll have access down there, but we'll have to stay out of their way, when a car pulls in." Naomi smiled, not noticing her missing wine.
"It sounds fun. I'll be sure to be there." Richard smiled.
"Great." Roxy smiled. She checked her watch and got up. "Christoph will be here in a bit. We making dinner?" She asked me.
"Oh, yeah sure. What we having?" I asked her.
"Onion rings, whatever pasty you like, with broccoli and carrots?" Roxy pulled whatever veg we had, out of the fridge.
"Perfect. Who's staying?" I asked the table.
"Me!" Naomi raised her hand.
"I'll stay. Richard?" Bonnie turned to Richard.
"Sure... If you don't mind." Richard looked up at me, as I stood by Roxy.
"I don't mind." I smiled, shyly.


"Your friends seem really great." Richard smiled, as only him and I stood on the balcony, after dinner.
"If you can't deal with them, just say so. It's OK... Or if they seem too much." I sighed, sitting at the table.
"Katie, your friends are great. They clearly care about you a lot. Like I said, I envy that." Richard grabbed the table and moved it forward, as he spoke, he then pulled the second chair next to mine, so he could sit next to me.
"You're worrying too much, about nothing. I'm not going to be scared off by them." Richard took my right hand in his left.
"Why me? I'm torn between you taking me on a date, 'cause you want to, and you taking me on a date, 'cause you pity me." I frowned.
"I don't pity you, Katie. I want to take you on a date. I want to see you, as often as I can. I'll prove it to you on our date, but right now just trust me. Talk to me." Richard linked our fingers. "Tell me about your family."
"My family?" I asked, getting a nod from Richard. "My dad was a painter, work in some museums. My mum was a journalist. Nothing fancy. I'm an only child..." I didn't know what to say. I always told the same story, but I couldn't lie to Richard.
"You talk about them with the past tense." Richard pointed out.
I just nodded, looking at the apartments opposite us.

"What's wrong?" Richard rubbed my hand he was holding, with his right, still holding it in his left.
"They divorced and my mum died. I don't see my dad, as much as I used to, now." I spoke quietly, but Richard heard me.
"I shouldn't of asked. I'm so sorry." He frowned.
"It's OK... We moved to Ohio, when I was one. They divorce when I was 15 and dad, with the money he got from the divorce, made me a savings account, so I could live here in New York, some day. We came on holiday and I fell in love..." Richard nodded, listening. "My dad never re-married, but he was never the same after mum died. We don't talk."
"Katie, I'm so sorry." Richard sat up and turned his body to face me, still holding my hand. "That's why you're so close with your friends."
"They're the only ones who really know." I replied.
"Darling, I'm not out to hurt you. Don't shy away from me. Be you and only you. You can't be anyone better." Richard smiled.
"My dad used to say that." I smiled a little. "Always be you, 'cause you'll never be anyone better."
"There you go. Sounds like a wise man." Richard smiled at me.
"He was. Last time I saw him, he was drunk in a bar. I couldn't convince him to go home, so the barman promised to get him a cab. I went back home, here, and I've never heard from him since. That was two years ago. I only know he's alive, 'cause his art was famous. It'd of been in the papers if he'd passed." I sighed.
Richard nodded and placed a kiss on my hand. I swear my heart skipped a beat from that.

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