Chapter 35 - The Need For Speed

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Katie's P.O.V

"Slowly!" Archie called, guiding Paul Landers' car back, into the garage. Bonnie got here just as the cars started to arrive.
Spencer, one of Archie's crew, was driving the car, as we were all in the back, watching the TV. Well, Naomi was looking at the car.

"We've certainly picked a day for this." The narrator spoke on TV.
"Whatever!" Lisa waved him off, making us laugh.
"They always talk about the weather. It's not just the Brits!" I argued, laughing.
"Naomi!" Archie looked over at us.
"Oh my God." Naomi backed up into Bonnie.
He's here.

Bonnie held her shoulders, as we all got up. As we walked to the front, we heard the crowd cheering, engines roaring, people talking, the arena announcer starting.
It was like slow motion.

"Archie." He walked up to our friend.
"Paul!" Archie shook his hand. "These are my friends, I was telling you about."
Paul turned to us and smiled.
"Roxy's modelling, Richard and Christoph donated, don't know why Katie's here, Bonnie does make up, and this is-" Archie pointed us all out, in order, but pulled Naomi over to Paul. "This is Naomi."
Paul looked at her and burst out smiling. "Hi." He smiled, eyes not leaving hers.
"Hello." Naomi just managed to speak. Archie had to hold her.

"I know that look." Bonnie whispered to us, the boys standing behind us.
"He likes her!" Roxy squealed, quietly.
"Seriously?" I asked, looking at them, standing on my left.
"You wouldn't know. You've had sex, what? Twice?" Bonnie joked.
"Three times, actually!" I smiled.
Roxy and Bonnie looked at me, then at Richard, making him blush and look away.
"Suck it." I turned back to Naomi and Paul.

"Say something." Archie looked at NayNay.
"Hi." She smiled.
"Said that already." Archie turned to look at us, with a smile.
Roxy and Bonnie were poking at Richard, and Christoph and I were just chilling.
"Wrong choice to bring us here." Christoph smiled, walking up to them.
I shrugged and followed.

"Nice to meet you, Herr Landers." Christoph smiled.
"Ja... Just call me Paul." Paul finally looked away from Naomi to shake Christoph's hand. "Christoph, was it?" He asked.
"Ja." Christoph smiled.
"And Katie." I raised my hand up. I wanted to meet him!
"Good morning, Katie." Paul smiled at me.
"He said 'good morning' to me!" I smiled at Archie, as he stood next to me, still holding Naomi.

"The girls have been very exited to meet you." Archie smiled.
"I can tell." Paul looked at Naomi again.
"Katie, please." Richard walked over, getting away from Roxy and Bonnie.
"Richard! I'm sorry. I didn't really see you." Paul smiled, hugging Richard.
"I'm gonna die." Naomi spoke quietly.
"We've got you." Archie squeezed her shoulders, as a hug.
"You two really do know each other." Christoph spoke up.
"Ja, we do! We grew up together." Paul smiled.
"You weren't lying." I walked over to Roxy. I thought he was just impressing us.

"You look awesome!" Bonnie smiled at Lisa.
"Not too much?" She looked at her blue outfit.
"Not at all!" I smiled.
"Thanks. Love those jeans." She pointed out my jeans.
"Cheers!" I gave a nod.

"Who wants a drink?!" Archie called out.
The room cheered and helped themselves at the fridge, passing around water and Lucozade's. I took a Lucozade and raised my bottle to Archie.
He saluted me back and opened the bonnet of Paul's car, as Naomi walked over to us.
"He's so dreamy." She leaned on me.
"Naomi is a huge Paul Landers fan!" Roxy told Lisa.
"Oh!" She nodded.
"Why haven't you three spoke to him, yet?" I asked, opening my Lucozade and letting Naomi take a sip. She needed it.
"We're here all day. Let Naomi meet her man." Bonnie smiled.
Naomi blushed and hugged my side.

"He's so into you! He can't sop looking at you!" Bonnie held Naomi's forearm, as they were stood on either side of me.
"No way." Naomi spoke shyly.
"Girl, he keeps looking this way." Lisa nodded, looking behind us, as we stood with our backs to him.
"They'd know the look, Naomi. I've only had sex three times." I smiled.
"Not twice?" Naomi looked at me.
"Her and Richard fucked!" Bonnie and Roxy smiled.
"I'm so sorry, we had to meet this way. This friendship could of been great." I looked at Lisa.
"It could be worse." She held a hand on her chest, joking with me.

"Lookie who it is!" I heard Jordon.
I turned around and looked at him. "What the fuck?!"
"Here she goes." Bonnie looked at Roxy.
"Who is that?" Roxy asked, looking at Jordon.
"It's Jordon!" Naomi smiled.
"It's moustache girl." Jordon walked over, giving her a hug.
"And how are you?" Jordon turned to me.
"Good. You?" I asked, glaring at him.
"I'm good. Also, a photographer for a living. You two must be Roxy and Lisa?" Jordon looked at the girls, holding up his camera.
"Yeah." They nodded.

"Roxy's a personal friend of ours, as is Bonnie." I introduced them.
"Nice to meet you." Jordon smiled. "Flake!" He called outside.
We all walked to the entrance and you wouldn't believe it.
"You!" Me and Bonnie looked at this 'Flake'.
"Tire slasher." He looked scared of us.
"You two met?" Jordon asked, standing with him.
"Confused!" Archie called out, leaning on the bonnet of the car.

"Archie, Roxy, Bonnie, Richard, Christoph, Lisa, and Paul -why not? - This is Jordon, the guy I went on a 'not date' with. And this is the dickhead who ran into me in the store and blamed me for it!" I introduced everyone.
"Oh!" All my friends looked at Jordon.
"Flake, you've met Katie." Jordon introduced his friend. "Flake's also a photographer."
"Well fuck." Bonnie held her hands on her hips.
"Can we go on another date?" Archie asked her, smiling at her.
"Can we make this official? Will you be my boyfriend?" Bonnie turned to him, arms dropping.
"Seriously?" Archie smiled.
"Yes! I've been dropping hints all week!" Bonnie held a hand over her heart.
"Damn... Yeah. Let's do it." Archie smiled, making them official.
"YUS!" I held my hands up, cheering.

"What a day..." Roxy smiled, standing next to Naomi, who stood next to me.
"It gets better." Richard smiled, pointing up at one of the big screens.
We all looked over and smiled. "Happy Birthday, Lisa!" We all smiled, turning to her.
She blushed and laughed. "That'll be my boyfriend." She smiled, looking up at the board, that had her picture on it.
"Everyone sing! Happy-" Archie called out and we started to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Lisa.

We made well, with Flake, and he and Jordon took photographs of everyone working.
They got some of Roxy and Lisa, with Paul's car, whiles Paul started talking to Naomi, pulling her off to the side.
Bonnie played with my hair, as I sat on the sofa, with Richard, and Christoph was watching Roxy, like a hawk, making sure no funny business was happing. What a guy!

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