Chapter 42 - 1234

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Katie's P.O.V

"Paul Landers is in my flat!" Naomi rang me, crying.
"We know. Great, isn't it?" I smiled, sat at the table, in my flat, as Roxy made coffee, and Archie and Richard were on the balcony, talking, as Richard smoked.
"He's in my shower... I'm going to die..." Naomi was having all the emotions.
"OK, calm down... Come over, if you want." I smiled, thanking Roxy for my coffee.
"She OK?" Roxy whispered, walking round the table, with two coffees for the boys.
I nodded, as Naomi replied. "I don't know! I have an opportunity to talk to him, and the kiss was amazing... He actually likes me... and he called me beautiful, this morning- Uh, go away Avery!" Naomi frowned at her phone.
"She texting you?" I asked her.
"Yeah... One second." Naomi pulled the phone from her ear, the slight sounds of her tapping away at her phone keyboard. "Got in late, can't talk right now. Ring you in an hour or so..." She mumbled, reading out her text, as she usually does, making sure it makes sense, before sending.
"NayNay, just offer him some coffee and go from there." I smiled at her, as the front door opened and Christoph stuck his head in. I waved him in, as Roxy came back in, going to greet him.
 "OK... Fuck, the shower stopped. Breath, it's OK!" She started to panic.
"NayNay! Be chill. Nothing bad will ever happen... Remember I fell back into Richard's apartment when I first met him, and I've accidently insulted him so many times. Whatever happens, you'll never go wrong."
"Awe, I love you too." She smiled, before she gasped. "Gotta go!"
"Love you!" We hung up.

"You look like shit!" Archie laughed, coming in, followed by Richard, pointing at Christoph.
"I feel it." Christoph chuckled, taking a seat opposite me, with Roxy on my left, the head of the table. Richard sat on my right, with Archie taking a seat next to Christoph.
"Anyone heard from Bonnie or Naomi?" Christoph asked us.
"Just got off the phone with Naomi. She's freaking out. Paul stayed at hers, last night." I smirked at the man.
He stared at me, shocked.
We all nodded at him, confirming.
He gave a whistle. "Poor love must be freaking out."
"Mhm, and Bonnie's been texting me. She's gonna shower, then come over here, so she's OK." Archie informed us.
"That's good... Can we get to the exciting part now?" Roxy asked us all.
"What what?" I asked her.
"Your play... Can we read it?" She asked.
"You finished it?" Christoph sat up, looking at me.
"Please, Katie... You've worked so hard on it." Archie begged me.
"I uh... I don't know where it is..." I mentioned, honestly.
"Where was it last seen?" Archie asked Richard.

The hot German, no offense Christoph, actually no, Offense! Richard is waaaay better looking, tipped his head back, thinking.
"You had it at the after party... Did you have it in the car... Yes!" Richard sat up. "But you didn't have it, when I took you to bed..."
"So, your car?" Roxy asked.
"There were papers on your coffee table, Richard. I thought it was a song, so left them be." Christoph pointed out.
"Not on my coffee table." My boyfriend replied, before five seconds of silence passed.
We all shot up and ran for the door, shoving each other to get their first.

"I gotta proof read it!" I was in fourth, behind Archie, with Roxy behind me.
Christoph was first, almost kicking the door open, but Richard shoved him, grabbing the papers and climbing over his couch.
"Nah, you've spent way too long at this!" Archie laughed, as Richard started reading aloud.
"GUYS!" I laughed, trying to get to Richard, being held back by Christoph, as everyone listen to Richard reading.
"The city was cold, the street shaded from the sun, by the towers we all lived in!" Richard beamed.
"Oh my God!" I laughed, tipping my head back.
"Katie, this is amazing." Richard smiled at me, jumping off the couch, briefing over my words.
"Let me see." Archie took it, grinning, as Roxy rushed to his side, both reading it over.
"It is?" I cringed. "I was drunk."
"It's going to be a hit." Richard came over to me, hugging me.
I held onto him, like a Koala, as my friends stood in silence, absorbed by my work.
"Holy shit..." Archie smiled, looking over at me.

. . .

"I'm fine..." Naomi whispered, glued to Bonnie's side, as Paul took a seat on my couch.
"That spot will now become a shrine." I joked, strolling passed the girls, as they stared at Paul, from the kitchen.
Bonnie laughed, loud, catching attention. "Katie..."
"Drop me in it." I playfully glared at her.
Roxy had my laptop, writing up my play onto it, never missing a beat, sat at the kitchen table.
Richard, Christoph, Archie and Paul were all sat in the living space, talking and getting along well.
"Shit, Avery!" Naomi recalled, grabbing her phone out her pocket and rushing to the balcony.
"And how are you, Bonnie?" I asked, walking to sit next to Roxy.
"Pretty good... Who took me home?" She asked, sitting opposite me.
"Richard." I told her, seeing Roxy in her own world.
"He was in my apartment? Nice." Bonnie joked, making me laugh. "So, it's done, then?"
"Yeah..." We were now talking about the play.
"It's fantastic. A few spelling errors, but you were drunk, so it's OK." Roxy gave a soft smile, only half with us.
"What's next with it?" Bonnie asked.
"I don't know... Find someone who will work it..." I guessed.
"Needs music." Richard came in, refilling his coffee cup. "Leave it with me for a while, and I'll get it done for you... I'll take what you have and flip it into a musical." He smiled.
"That will be amazing..." I smiled at him.
"Consider it done." He winked at me, going back to the boys.

"All hands on deck for the wedding!" Naomi called back into the house.
"We're on it!" Archie called back.
"Who's wedding?" We heard Paul asked.
"Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it." I whispered to myself, trying not to shout out 'yours'.
Bonnie knew, snickering with me, also fighting the urge, as Christoph replied to the race car driver.
"Naomi has left us to our dresses. I'm doing hair and make up for Avery, Archie has all the cars sorted, just needs to confirm the drivers, and we need to go to the museum to double over the venue plan." Bonnie told me.
"Wanna go do that now? Get it out the way?" I asked her.
"Sure. Let's take the guys, with us. You OK, Roxy?" Bonnie asked, getting up from the table.
"Yeah... Almost done here. I'll forward it to Richard, and I'll shop for my dress." She smiled up at us.
"Great. See you later." Bonnie smiled.
"Love." I hugged Roxy's side, before walking round her.

"Gentlemen, we're stopping at the museum to go over the venue layout plans." Bonnie announced, taking charge.
"I'm coming!" Archie jumped up, smiling at us.
"I'll tag along too." Richard smiled. "Christoph?"
"I'll stay here. Roxy's gonna want to match outfits for the wedding. I take it she's shopping?" He asked us.
"She's starting." I nodded at him.
He gave a deep chuckle, getting up, going for the kitchen.
"Where's Naomi?" Paul asked us.
"Balcony!" We all pointed to the back doors.
Paul got up and saw her outside. "She busy?"
"Not really." I lied, before leaving my flat.

Bonnie, Archie, and Richard followed after me, Archie saying how Paul's gone out onto the balcony with Naomi.
We filed into Archie's car, heading for the museum.
"I have a list, mentally, of what Naomi was saying Avery wanted, so we need to keep as close to it as we can." Bonnie mention, sat in the passenger seat, pulling out her phone, making a memo of the list.
"It'll be fine... It's paid for right?" Archie asked.
"Yeah, it's covered." I told him, drumming my fingers on my lap, as the museum was getting closer, and home further away.
Richard took my hand in his, smiling at me. "It's OK." He promised me.
I leaned into his side, hiding in his neck. "It's difficult." I whispered.
"I know." He replied, just as softly.

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