Chapter 5

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The four of them looked between each other before looking back down at Chow, who still lay unmoving on the coffee table. "Chow," Phil said, trying to get him up, patting his back to see if he would move.

"Mr. Chow, are you okay?" Alan asked the unconscious form.

Stu merely sat looking at Chow in shock as (Y/n) walked forward a few steps to better see him. He wasn't moving, and he didn't appear to be breathing either. "You've got to be kidding me," Phil said, and put two fingers up to Chow's neck. There was a moment of tense silence as he waited to feel something, anything come from Chow. (Y/n) bit her fist as she looked down at Chow, before quickly backing up as Phil stood and exclaimed, "Fuck, he's dead!", stepping away from the couch and putting his hand over his head.

Stu began to scream, quickly getting up and away from the body as fast as possible as he looked at it in horror. His screams turned into words as he shrieked, "Help!! Help!!" (Y/n) could only stand there and look at the body, her stomach beginning to roil once more.

"Stu! Stu, shut up!" Phil tried, but Stu continued to scream as Alan began to whimper a high pitched tone. (Y/n) thought he was crying, but she was trying so hard not to vomit again to care. "Stu!! Shut up!!"

"Call an ambulance!!" Stu cried, hopping up and down.

"Shut up! He's dead!!" Phil yelled at Stu, finally getting him to stop shouting. "Look, if someone comes and finds a dead body and a pile of cocaine, we're gonna spend the rest of our lives in a fucking Thai prison!! Now shh!!" Stu put his finger over his lips to copy Phil's shushing, still hopping up and down. Alan's whimpering was turning into howling, and Phil turned to him and said, "Alan! Alan, please stop crying." Alan snorted up his tears, and (Y/n) held her hand over her mouth again to block herself. "(Y/n)? (Y/n), babe, are you gonna-"

"Possibly," she whispered, but that was it for her. She ran quickly back to the bathroom and coughed up what was left inside her stomach, the boys standing in the room with Chow's body.

"All right, all right! I just need a second to figure this out," Phil said, stopping them all from coming near him as he sat down on the floor. Stu groaned and curled up into a ball on the ground while Alan's whimpering resumed. (Y/n) came back from the bathroom once more, a wet rag at her lips a she collapsed to the ground, and landed on her butt next to Stu. Looking around Phil thought for a moment about what to do, until he looked to see a sign on a desk that said, 'Ice machine located on 15th floor'. "Okay, I've got an idea."

(Y/n) glanced to where Phil was looking, and saw the sign that pointed to where the ice box was in the building. Sitting up to see Chow's dead body, she sighed, and met Phil's eyes. "Are you kidding me?" she asked, and all he could do was shake his head.

Standing up from his seat on the ground, Phil walked into the other room and grabbed one of the sheets from the bed. Stu got up from his curled up position on the floor, watching as Phil threw the sheet over Chow's body. "All right, do you guys know what floor we're on?" Phil asked, looking down at the sheet covered corpse.

"I can go check," (Y/n) said, standing up. She wobbled a bit in place before catching herself on the wall before Phil came up behind her.

"No, come on, I'll go find out. You sit down," he insisted, and pulled her gently back towards the others. Alan was beginning to calm down, but was still silently sobbing over the fact that Chow was dead in front of him. (Y/n) didn't know how much longer she could take his high pitched squealing, considering it only made the headache she had so much worse. Looking around, Phil found a small room key buried in a pile on newspapers, and saw that they were up on the eighth floor. Sighing and pushing his hair back, he walked back into the room and kicked at Stu's floored body, the man groaning as he sat up. "Get up, come on. We're gonna hide him in the ice machine."

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