Chapter 1

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Six months later

(Y/n) was sitting in the living room of her home on the comfy couch she and Phil had gotten. She drank a cup of tea as she watched some of a new tv show, Game of Thrones, waiting for Phil to get back from his 'dentist appointment', which was really him just going to see Stu at his dentists office. He had gone right after work at the school, so she hadn't seen him yet afterwards.

Hearing the door open, she looked to see him coming into the house, a slightly disgruntled look on his face. (Y/n) smiled and laughed when he caught her eye, saying, "What? Couldn't get the prescription pad again?"

"It's like its on lock and key now. Jesus Christ, he's so tight," Phil muttered, setting his work bag down before dropping onto the couch beside her and looking at the television in confusion. "What's this?"

"It's called Game of Thrones, I think. I don't really know, I just found it. It's supposed to be based off of a book," (Y/n) explained as Phil nodded his head.

"Nobody reads books anymore," he said, putting her arm behind her head as he undid his tie and the first few buttons of his dress shirt.

"You talk to Stu about Thailand?" (Y/n) asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"Apparently, it's important to Lauren's parents that she gets married there, even though its a two thousand dollar ticket and a week long flight to get there," Phil complained, and (Y/n) merely put her head on his shoulder. "Plus, Lauren's dad hates him, so I don't see the fucking point."

"Sixteen hour flight, Phil. Don't exaggerate," she said, getting comfy in his side. He leaned over and kissed her forehead as they zeroed in on watching the tv, Phil slightly confused considering he came in late.

"Who's that chick?"

"I think her name is Cersi, or something like that. I don't know, it's really confusing," (Y/n) said as Phil nodded his head.

When (Y/n)'s phone rang, she paused the tv and left Phil's side to pick it up from the coffee table, looking at the contact to see it was Stu. Answering it, she put it on speaker and said, "Hey, Stu, what's going on?"

"Hey! I was wondering if you both were free tomorrow. I wanted to get the group together to have a little breakfast at IHop," Stu said, and (Y/n) and Phil exchanged a look before they both shrugged, thinking 'why not'.

"That sounds pretty good, man. What time you thinking?" Phil asked.

"Does eleven work for you? Not to early, not too late for breakfast. Maybe make it a little brunch," Stu suggested.

"Yeah, eleven works. We'll see you then," (Y/n) answered, getting comfortable back next to Phil, who welcomed her by putting his arm over her shoulder and drawing her closer to him.

"And I shall see you both as well. All righty, goo' bye,"

"Bye, bud."

"Bye, Stu."

Shutting off her phone, (Y/n) threw it on the couch before picking up the remote and saying, "Do you think this is in regards to his bachelor party? He hasn't had one yet."

"Maybe we'll have a crazy fucking time in Thailand, who knows? I just hope he has one," Phil said, scoffing a little bit. "The man's been paranoid after Vegas."

"At least Vegas gave him the balls to break up with Melissa instead of proposing to her," (Y/n) claimed. "You know, I ran into her not long ago at a Walmart. She glared at me and cursed me off like I was the one who broke up with her and told the whole world she fucked a bartender on a cruise."

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