Cute gummy smile

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The first day of my first year in college. I didn't realize how excited I could get until I found myself awake at 5am anticipating that radar sound. My first class wasn't until 8:30 am so I decided to roll over and get some more rest, but after tossing to the right and back to the left three more times I came to terms with being up early and picked up my phone. The nerves started to kick in around 6:15, I worried I'd get lost or I'd be late, but I reassured myself I had more than enough people to help me get around school. My older brother Namjoon has been going to Yonsei for two years prior to this one, making him a third year this semester. Along with my brother I had 4 bestfriends who would also start this year with me Suze, V, Mich, and Jungkook. Although we each had different majors I know I can count on them to help me figure out University.

Finally it was time for me to get up and get ready for class. Luckily all of my best friends had 8am classes too, so my alarm went off for all of us. Gathering my supplies for class I heard my phone buzz and picked it up to see a message from my brother.
Joonie Oppa:
You ready for your first day??

I'm ready but honestly soo scared ):

Joonie Oppa:
Don't worry, you're well prepared! plus you have all your friends... and mine to help you out!

Speaking of! meet us in front of the main hall water fountain by 8! Ly sis<3

We'll be there! Ily!

Me and the girls made our way out the dorm building and over to the fountain. On the way we picked Jungkook since his dorm building was right next to ours. As he jogged up to us he said "Yo yo! Goodmorning beautiful bestfriend!" he smiled and gave me a side hug while nodding to the girls. "Ew what was that? we've been bestfriends for 12 years and I've never heard you say "yo yo!"" we all laughed as Jungkook continued to speak "Sorry Im nervous.. you know first day jitters?" I nodded to signify I understood and we kept walking. Just as we approached my older brother and his five friends Jungkook picked up his hand from my shoulder, where it had been since he walked up and hugged me. I wouldn't say he was afraid of Namjoon but the look on Jks face said otherwise. "Awe look at the little first years" Namjoon playfully pouted as we walked up, not too long after he threw his arms around me to bring me in for a big Kim sized brotherly hug. I'm 9inches shorter than Joon but he always bent down so I didn't have to stretch up. This time when he bent down I was able to see behind him, I seen Jimin and Yoongi sitting on the fountain edge, but Yoongi wasn't alone. Yoongi sat on the fountain accompanied by his "oh so perfect" girlfriend Jennie, she was going to school to become a model just like Tae and Suze. For some reason everytime I encounter Jennie I wanted to tell her off and cut off her very long, jet black hair, she made my blood boil and I couldn't understand why.

I said hello to my brothers friends and we discussed how the day would go. Tae, Jin and Suze would go off to the Fashion building, Joon and V would walk to the Education building and Jimin, Jk, Hoseok, Mich, Yoongi and I would find our way to the Music building. Although we all went to the same building I found us all dropping off at different classrooms until it was just Yoongi and I. "B, what room number are you in?" Yoongi asked, I didn't mean to smile so hard but he was the only person to ever call me B and honestly I didn't mind "I'm in M-242." I tried not to sound to excited but he caught on, a chuckle left his mouth and he replied "You don't have to say 'M' the M signifies Music building, I'm in 243 though so I'll wait for you after to walk together?" I know he was just being nice because he's my brothers bestfriend but the butterflies in my stomach started fluttering really hard. Just before he dropped me off in room 242, three very tall boys walked up and exchanged greetings "Yo! Yoongi, party at Jackson's this friday.. we'll see you there!" another one added "Yeah bring the boys, and your new..." he looked me up and down then proceeded "beautiful lady friend" he winked as they dabbed each other up "Yah! watch it Bam, I don't think Joon would appreciate you looking at his sister like that..." Yoongi replied, I couldn't help but giggle as the boys continued their conversation "but you know I'll be there.. wouldn't miss a Jackson party!" When the boys walked away and it was just me and Yoongi, I laughed before staring "Thanks Yoongi Oppa, i'll see you after class then?" he nodded his head once before turning to walk away "Have a good first day B" Even though he'd turned around I could tell he had that cute gummy smile as he yelled to me.
So cute.. so gummy..

If you've stumbled across this story and you're not Brissa... no you haven't <3

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now