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After my fight with Michi she didn't come back to the dorm for two days. Sometimes I'd think she's just overreacting or she's just being a brat but really I know went too far. "Well you didn't have to call her a whore" Suzie said "I know I know but it.. it slipped out!" I felt bad so I decided to text her but she didn't reply, I told the girls and it lead us to this conversation. "Maybe during lunch she'll talk to you, I doubt she'll sit anywhere else" Just as I agreed with V my phone went off. It took me no time at all to pull it out and see what Michi replied with but when I opened my phone I realized it wasn't her.
Brissa, I need your advice...

Hobi never came to me for advice, Yoongi was always his right hand man so I took this text very seriously.
Why whatsup? you okay?

No... I don't think I like Michi anymore...

Me: DONT LIKE MICHI ANYMORE?? wtf happened??

Well after your guys argument, she came here to Jins where we all were. She's been sulking and crying about it.. I just don't like seeing her like this, it makes me feel weird
Well if I didn't feel bad before... here's a slap in the face. After my full schedule on Thursday I could finally meet up with the group for lunch. I sat down at the table and not only was I in a bad mood, the rest of the table seemed to be as well. I sat in my usual seat which was at the end of the table and looked to my left to see everyone had barely touched their food. Jin finally broke the silence "Shitty day yeah?" everyone nodded in agreement and Joon spoke next "I'm failing my EDU course.." everyone gasped before I replied "Oppa! how are you failing? you're the smartest student here??" Before he replied I noticed his eyes were staring straight behind me following something. I turned around to see a beautiful girl walking towards our table. "Hey Namjoon! We're still studying tonight right?" Joons eyes were filled with actually stars "Yee.. uh I mean yeah, yes! Yes we're still on!" he replied. The girl giggled at Namjoons stutter "Great then! I'll see you at 5!" she started to walk away when Joon stood up, hitting his knee on the table "ow! Uh yeah bye see you tonight Wendy!" by the time he got her name out she had walked to far to hear. "Oh my gosh I understand why you're failing..." Jk said "Yeah Joons got a crush" Hobi said while nudging Namjoons arm. Namjoon shook his head but couldn't hide his smile "Oppa doesn't have a crush... he's in love" as soon as I said that Namjoon blushed making his cheeks as red as a fresh tomato. Everyone awed but he was so embarrassed he got up and left. Then the table fell back to sulking silence, until Jennie walked up "Yoongi walk me home?" she pouted and grabbed his hand but he didn't even look at her while replying "Nah, I'm tired, just text me when you get there?" I was really surprised to hear Yoongi not catering to her but I loved to see it "What do you mean 'nah'??" her attitude only got worse "Jennie just go alone, you'll be fine fuck,  what does it take to have one fucking hour away from you?" Yoongi had never treated her like this, I wasn't complaining but it was awkward to sit and watch this unfold. "You want one hour away from me.. then breakup with me, then you'll have 24 hours for the rest of your life away from me" she raised her eyebrow and twisted her arms in front of her "Fine!!! just please leave me alone!" Yoongi finally looked at her while yelling. Wait did they just... "Excuse me??" Jennie was irritated and we could all see it on her face. While everyone else at the table was just uncomfortable Yoongi finished the argument "Yes I did what you told me to do, should've just walked yourself home" Jennie's jaw dropped and she stormed out the dining hall. Not too long after Yoongi yawned, stood up said "I'm going to sleep, goodnight guys" and left. The table fell to silence once again before Michi spoke "So I think Im gonna transfer universities..." woah this can't be my fault right?? "No Michi why??" Jimin asked with a voice full of worry. "Well uhm..." she looked at me but noticed I was already looking at her so she quickly looked down "uh... my aunt is uhm...sick so I gotta go help in Gwangju" she's lying.. I know she is but before I could say anything she got up and left. Everyone had got up and left, one by one until it was just Hobi, Jk, and I. "So today wasn't just weird for me?" Jungkook said moving in closer to our end of the table "No.. what happened to you?" I asked "Uhm... I got over you, like I woke up and realized we're just bestfriends, that's how we'll be for the rest of our live and i'm okay with it... I have a crush on someone else.." Jk got really quiet at the end of his sentence expressing his nervousness and I was shocked. "Well that's good Jk but who's the new crush?" Hobi asked. "Uh you wouldn't know her.." he scratched the back of his neck and looked away "Okay weirdo.. congratulations I guess" I laughed trying to not make things weird. Changing the subject Jk asked "What happened to you guys?" "I don't think I like Michi anymore, but now I'm sad she's considering moving and I just don't know what to think anymore" Hobi seemed stressed so Jk patted his back before looking at me "and you?" "we'll I just had a huge fight with my bestfriend and the other two aren't too happy with me either, my boyfriends avoiding me, and I cannot stop thinking about Yoongi" I felt relieved getting all that off my chest but it was short lived when we all went back to silence and shortly after left to our dorms.

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now